
TEACH Core Course: Learn How to Treat for Tobacco Use Disorder

Event Date

This online introductory course will help learners to screen, assess and treat people with tobacco dependence using evidence-base pharmacotherapies and psycho-social interventions. The TEACH Project has a primary goal of reducing the prevalence of tobacco use in Ontario, Canada by increasing identification and

Declining Addiction One Step at a Time

Scientific article
A new study carried out at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine has found that results from drug and alcohol addiction treatment programmes improve amongst teens when they stop smoking. The findings, which have been...

Contingency Management and Drug Disorders

The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) defines contingency management as “a general behavioural intervention technique used in the treatment of drug dependence … designed to weaken drug use and strengthen...

Drug Prevention Project in Pakistani Schools

Event Date

Teacher’s Training Program:

Two teachers training and six school awareness programs were implemented in Pakistani private schools in Sultanabad, Lyari, and Korangi and in Aga Khan Schools. A total of 80 teachers participated in the training program and almost 1,800 students were reached through school awareness programs.

Alcohol Abuse Interventions in Primary Care Settings

Scientific article
A recent review of studies focusing on excessive drinkers identified and counselled in primary care settings has found that, when combined with screenings and assessments, brief, regular intervention sessions lead to greater reductions in...

Drug Demand Reduction Education

India's Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment held a session on Recovery and Recovery Management. The session was attended by around 22 participants from 11 states across India including doctors, counsellors, psychologists and people...

ISSUP Brazil Conference

Event Date

ISSUP holds an annual event, bringing together members and non-members from the field of substance use prevention and

International Standards for the Treatment of Drug Use Disorders

Drug use disorders are a serious global health problem. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) estimates that 246 million people, or one in twenty 15- to 64-year-olds, used an illegal drug in 2013. Of those who use, one in ten...
International Standards