
ISSUP Mexico 2017

At the beginning of April ISSUP’s Deputy Executive Director, Joanna Travis-Roberts, headed to Cancún, Mexico to plan for this year’s Annual ISSUP Workshop.

Introduction to Motivational Interviewing

Event Date
United States

This two-day course is designed to introduce clinicians and staff members from diverse professional backgrounds to the foundational concepts and skills of motivational interviewing (MI), including the underlying Spirit of MI, Four Processes, and Core Skills.

Training of Peer Educators at Tihar Central Jail

SPYM has started a prison intervention program among drug abusing youth who are inmates of the Central Jail, Tihar in New Delhi. Peer educators have been identified and a training program was conducted by Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Executive...

2017 ICUDDR Conference

Event Date

The International Consortium of Universities for

Drug-Impaired Driving Toolkit

Research has shown that the problem of driving while impaired by drugs has become comparable in seriousness to alcohol-impaired driving. In order to inform driving school staff and young drivers about drug-impaired driving, the Canadian...
Conducción con problemas de drogas

Nicotine and Tobacco: Current Issues, Policy and Practice

Event Date
United Kingdom

The UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies (UKCTAS) will offer a four-day course on nicotine and tobacco control at the University of Stirling, UK. The course is aimed at professionals working in a range of organisations who are interested in public health and policy.

UTC and UPC in Paraguay

En un acto que se llevó a cabo en la sede de la Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad Católica “Nuestra Señora de la Asunción”, el Rector de la citada Universidad y el Ministro de la SENAD dieron lugar a la firma de un convenio de...