
Responding to Global Stimulant Use: Challenges and Opportunities

Scientific article
Stimulants drugs increase the activity of the central nervous system producing feelings of euphoria, increased confidence, sociability, energy, and wakefulness. In a recent paper, published as part of the Lancet series on drug use...

One in Three: Adfam’s Manifesto for 2020 and beyond

Following the concerning findings that one in three adults in Great Britain have been negatively affected by the substance use of someone we know, Adfam has launched their 2020 manifesto. Adfam's five asks are: Make funding available for...

Webinar: Alcohol Use Disorders and ICD 11

Event Date

On Wednesday, 13 November 2019, join PAHO/WHO in a new session of the Alcohol and Health Webinar Series, on the topic "Alcohol Use Disorders and ICD11".

Learn about the changes introduced in ICD11 as related to alcohol use disorders and the latest information on the research being carried out internationally.

DAY: Wednesday, 13 November 2019

TIME: 12:30 PM EST

Counselling Approaches to Addiction

Event Date

The link between drugs, alcohol and mental health is well established. As counsellors many of us have seen clients dependent on substances or even behaviours. But how do we work with these issues safely in private practice or a general counselling service? Can understanding how

9th International Research Conference on Adolescents and Adults with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

Event Date

Although there have been thousands of published articles on FASD, there still remains limited research specifically on adolescents and adults with FASD. As individuals diagnosed with FASD continue to age, the “need to know” across a broad spectrum of areas continues to be critically important for identifying clinically relevant research questions and directions.

Evidence in Action: CCSA Annual Report, 2018-2019

In 2018–2019, CCSA worked with partners across Canada and internationally to gather and share the newest, best practices and advice on substance use to drive action where it matters for Canadians — tackling stigma, informing cannabis policy...