
iCAAD 2020

Event Date

iCADD is hosting the largest European conference on

Drug Use Series from the Lancet Journals

Scientific article
Executive Summary The drug use landscape is dynamic and changing. Changes in public attitudes and laws towards drug use have occurred in an increasing number of countries. Global drug production and consumption are increasing as are the...

Alcohol Use Disorder Series from the Lancet Journals

Scientific article
Executive Summary Alcohol use disorders are a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, and of immense importance to all mental health professionals. This new Series puts heavy drinking and alcohol use disorder in clinical and...

Technology-Delivered CBT to Treat Alcohol Use Disorder

Scientific article
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is one of the most researched treatment options for Alcohol Use Disorder. In order to make CBT as accessible and effective as possibles, researchers have been investigating different versions and ways to...

Decisions to Use E‐cigarettes or Behavioural Support to Quit Tobacco

Scientific article
Tobacco contains nicotine, which is highly addictive and can cause dependence. Although many people understand the negative health consequences of smoking for themselves and those around them, cutting down or stopping smoking can be highly...

Motivational Interviewing: Changing Client Relationships with Alcohol

Event Date
United Kingdom

This two-day course will help empower practitioners engaged in the alcohol sector to develop knowledge, skills and confidence in using Motivational Interviewing to enable behaviour change in clients and groups.

Who should sign up?