Health promotion

Good Policy and Practice in Health Education

Booklet 10: Education sector responses to the use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs The latest volume in the Good Policy and Practice in Health Education Series has been developed via international consultation between the United Nations...

Great Resources for Teachers

Are you a teacher? Are you looking for materials or lesson plans on the effects of drugs and drug abuse? The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has created a great database of more than 70 teacher materials on the effects of drugs and...

Cognitive Behavioural Approaches Training

Event Date
United Kingdom

Cognitive behavioural approaches (CBA) encompasses a series of evidence-based techniques derived from cognitive behavioural therapy. During this training, delegates will learn what we feel and think determines how we act and that these thoughts can be challenged and intervened, therefore having a positive impact on behaviour.

Delaying Marijuana Use to Age 17 Is Better for the Teenage Brain

Scientific article
The longer teenagers delay the use of marijuana, the better it is for their developing brains. However, a new study has found that there may be little adverse effect if one starts smoking the drug after the age of 17. According to the...