Public health


Alcohol-Induced End Organ Diseases

Event Date
United States

The 2019 Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Alcohol-Induced End Organ Diseases "Inflammation and Cell Death: Mechanisms of Tissue Injury by Alcohol" will provide a unique forum to bring together a diverse range of young and established scientists who are studying alcohol-related organ damage.

Youth, Drugs and Alcohol- Social Science Approaches

Event Date

Among many young Europeans, alcohol and drugs are the preferred means of altering consciousness. These substances are used as part of various social activities either on weekends in bars, nightclubs, or music festivals or on weekdays.

Conference: Communities Speak

Event Date

IOGT International invites you to an innovative space to jointly explore comprehensive solutions to the world drug problem. Welcome to this much-needed and innovative conference. 

How does MDMA Kill?

MDMA (Methylenedioxymethamphetamine) is a synthetic drug that alters mood and perception (awareness of surrounding objects and conditions). MDMA was initially a common nightlife drug, but it affects a broader range of people. MDMA increases...