Public health


World day without tobacco 2018: Tobacco and heart disease

Event Date
Día Mundial

World day without tobacco 2018: Tobacco and heart disease

May 31, 2018

On 31 May of each year, the who and its partners celebrated the world no tobacco day in order to highlight the risks associated with smoking, both for health and other areas, and advocate for effective policies to reduce their consumption.

8th European Alcohol Policy Conference 2018

Event Date
United Kingdom

The 8th European Alcohol Policy Conference (8EAPC) will take place from 20-21st November in Edinburgh, Scotland. 

8th European Alcohol Policy Conference 2018

SAMHSA Tobacco-Free Recovery Grant 2018

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Center of Excellence for Tobacco-Free Recovery Grant is now open for applications. Offering up to 5 million USD the grant can be used for a range of projects...
SAMHSA Tobacco-Free Recovery Grant

Social and effects to the health of non-medical cannabis use

Overview Cannabis is the substance psychoactive under international control most widely used around the world. It is estimated that, in 2013, 181.8 million people aged 15 to 64 consumed cannabis without medical purposes around the world...