Public health

The intersection of substance use with broader public health concerns. 

SRNT 28th Annual Meeting

Event Date

The Society of Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) 2022 Annual Meeting may be a hybrid (part in person, part virtual) or entirely virtual, depending on how things play out in the coming months.

The event will take place in Edinburgh, Scotland from the 2-5th of March 2022.

Abstract submissions will open on July 7, 2021, and will close on August 11, 2021. 

International Conference on Hepatitis Care in Substance Users (INHSU)

Event Date

The 9th International Conference on Health and Hepatitis Care in Substance Users will take place in Australia, via a hybrid delivery model.

Join delegates from all over the world, with 20+ sessions from world-leading experts over three days.

Prison and drugs in Europe: Current and future challenges

Summary This publication provides an overview of current knowledge and the latest developments in the field of drug use and prison in Europe. The report explores in depth the epidemiology of drug use and drug-related problems among the...

Kenya Launches National Guidelines on Drug Use Prevention

June 26, 2021, Nairobi, Kenya:- As the World commemorated the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (IDADA) on June 26, 2021, Kenya has added another milestone in the journey towards a nation free from alcohol and...
National Guidelines on Drug Use Prevention, 2021 adopted and launched by the Kenyan Government on June 26, 2021

Dame Carol Black's Independent Review of Drugs - Part 2

Event Date

Collective Voice are delighted to welcome Dame Carol Black as the keynote speaker of our next webinar, presenting the findings from the second part of her Independent Review of Drugs.

Dame Carol's presentation will be followed by comments from Rosanna O'Connor, Interim Director, Health Improvement at Public Health England.

Dame Carol and Rosanna will then take questions.

Evaluation of the Drink Wise Age Well Programme

The Drink Wise, Age Well programme was delivered over five years from 2015 to 2020 in five intervention areas across the UK. The project had 4 objectives: To raise awareness of the issue of alcohol misuse among people over 50, change...