Public health


European Drug Report 2021 Launch

Event Date

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected drug use and supply? What drugs are causing the most concern today? What are the latest trends in drug production and trafficking? Find out more when the EU drugs agency (EMCDDA) launches its European Drug Report 2021: Trends and Developments in a live online media event on 9 June.

Ukraine: WPA 2021 Regional Congress “Psychopathology in Periods of Transitions”

Event Date
The WPA 2021 Regional Congress “Psychopathology in Periods of Transitions” organized by the World Psychiatric Association in collaboration with the Ukrainian Psychiatric Association and Charitable Foundation Research Innovation in Medicine “RIMON” will take place on July 7-9, 2021 in the exciting and cultural city of Kyiv, Ukraine, in a hybrid format (offline & online).
WPA 2021 Ukraine ISSUP

WHO Quitting Toolkit

With professional support and quitting services, tobacco users double their chances of quitting successfully. This WHO toolkit is aimed at tobacco users and is designed to provide information, reasons to quit and resources in an easily accessible format.
WHO quitting toolkit ISSUP

Alcohol and Cancer - What everyone needs to know

Event Date

Organised by: Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL)
European Alcohol Policy Alliance (Eurocare)
With the support of the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe
Part of European week against Cancer 2021

09:30-09:35 Welcomes and introduction   Dr Peter Rice European Alcohol Policy Alliance (Eurocare)   

Tobacco Reading List

Reading List
World No Tobacco Day takes place each year at the end of May. To link with the worldwide campaign, ISSUP is hosting a series of online events throughout May that investigate the topic of tobacco use. This reading list highlights additional...

World Health Organisation Tobacco Health Topic

The World Health Organisation (WHO) have a health topic page dedicated to tobacco use. The page includes: up to date data on smoking, tobacco control country profiles factsheet, infographics and maps the latest news, events and publications...