Public health

The intersection of substance use with broader public health concerns. 

Alcohol: A Public Health Issue

Scientific article
The Journal of Public Health has put together a selection of papers that highlights some of the most cited alcohol-related research published in the Journal of Public Health in recent years. The collection starts with articles examining...

Tobacco Webinar Series: Tobacco Use - Pleasure or Harm?

ISSUP Webinar
ISSUP are pleased to present the first of three Webinars on the topic of Tobacco Use. This first Webinar was organised in collaboration with ISSUP India and centres on 'Tobacco Use - Pleasure or Harm?'

Tobacco Webinar Series: Tobacco Use - Pleasure or Harm?

Event Date
New Delhi
ISSUP are excited to invite you to attend the first of three Webinars on the topic of Tobacco Use. This first Webinar will be hosted by ISSUP India and centre on 'Tobacco Use - Pleasure or Harm?'

Institute of Alcohol Studies: Alcohol Knowledge Centre

The IAS Alcohol Knowledge Centre is home to an extensive library of information – infographics, factsheets and a host of related resources – about alcohol. Topics covered: Alcohol across society Availability Consumption Health Marketing...

Alternatives to Imprisonment for Drug Users

ISSUP Webinar
ISSUP India, in collaboration with ISSUP, organized a webinar on alternatives to incarceration for persons with substance use disorders and opportunities for interventions along the justice system.

Alternatives to Imprisonment for Drug Users

Event Date
New Delhi
ISSUP India, in collaboration with ISSUP, is organizing a webinar on alternatives to incarceration for persons with substance use disorders and opportunities for interventions along the justice system.
Alternatives to incarceration India