The intersection of substance use with broader public health concerns.
Public health
There are a number of interventions designed to reduce harmful levels of alcohol consumption among college students. In order to design effective programmes, it is important to understand the attitude of students towards these kinds of...
The Youth in Iceland Model (YiIM) in Scotland
The Youth in Iceland Model (YiIM, also known as ‘Planet Youth’) is a community-based approach aiming to prevent young people’s substance use through reducing risk factors and increasing protective factors. A new team, based in Dundee...
The rapidly changing composition of the global street drug supply and Its effects on high-risk groups for COVID-19
The majority of street drugs, in some cases more than ninety-five percent, now have multiple toxic adulterants. This research review brings to the attention of public health officials, addiction medicine specialists, treatment officials, therapists, and the general public the alarming increase of dangerous toxic adulterants being added to street drugs and their potentially lethal synergistic effects.
Call for Presentations- NAADAC 2021 Annual Conference
NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals invites you to submit a proposal to present a virtual poster at its 2021 Annual Conference, which will be held virtually from October 28-30, 2021. NAADAC members and non-members are...
Substance Use and the Criminal Justice System Reading List
Here is a range of resources that discuss ways to support people with substance use issues who are in contact with the justice system.
Drinking Transitions During Lockdown
Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP) and Scottish Alcohol Research Network (SARN) warmly invite you to an online event on Wednesday 28 April from 12:30-14:00 BST for the fourth SHAAP/SARN Alcohol Occasionals event of 2021.
Family, a Key Social Institution for Addressing Drug Abuse, Violence and Mental Health
64th Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND), a virtual side event on “Family a key social institution for addressing substance use, violence, mental health and promote sustainable development: Lessons learned from parenting under stress, in humanitarian settings and in the context of COVID19 and beyond”
Tuesday 13th of April 2021, 13:10-14:00 CET
Alcohol Use Among Nigerian Students
According to the World Health Organisation, Nigeria ranks second on the list of African countries for heavy episodic drinking. Despite concerning figures, the picture is less clear when analysing particular populations, such as university...