Mental health


Improving Services and Systems for Transition-Age Youth

Event Date

The transition to adulthood is a critical developmental stage. Youth experiencing mental health and substance use concerns at this time may also face challenges related to housing, justice involvement, education, and employment. And individuals from vulnerable populations experience these challenges more acutely.

Applications Are Now Open for Research Innovation Grants

Alcohol Research UK is now accepting applications for the Research Innovation Grants 2016/17 programme. The focus of this year's programme is treatment and recovery today. The alcohol services sector and approaches to both treatment and...

Children's Mental Health Conference

Event Date

This conference aims at showcasing innovative ideas and approaches to child and youth mental health care and engaging participants in provocative discussions to develop concrete solutions to important issues. The theme of this year's conference is Focus on Quality – The Path to Better Outcomes for Children, Youth & Families.

Adolescence, Alcoholism and Interventions

Scientific article
Substance abuse entails a whole host of social, physical and mental health problems. A recent overview published in the Journal of Adolescent Health evaluates the effectiveness of interventions focused on smoking, alcohol or combined drug...

Alcohol Use and Cognitive Harm

Scientific article
Around 88,000 Americans die from alcohol-related harm each year. The physical effects of alcohol abuse, including certain cancers, heart disease and liver disease, are well-known. There is also much evidence that suggests alcohol can have a...

What Are Kids Taking?

The results are in. The 2014 – 15 Canadian Student Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs Survey shows that, on the one hand, smoking rates are generally down, while on the other, experimentation with synthetic and prescription drugs is increasing...

Marijuana on the Brain

Scientific article
According to new research smoking marijuana regularly distorts the brain’s natural risk and reward circuitry which, in turn, can affect people’s decision-making as well as their ability to maintain relationships. In this way, the study...

Higher Numbers Getting High

Scientific article
Marijuana use amongst adults in the United States is increasing. A study of over half-a-million people carried out between 2002 – 2014 and subsequently published in The Lancet suggests that this is because fewer perceive the drug to be...