Тест на імпульсивність в підлітковому віці
Підлітковий вік є одним з найважливіших етапів у житті людини. Цей період насичений різними стимулами і видами впливу – з боку батьків, однолітків, суспільства. Це пов'язано з більшою сприйнятливістю до проблемної поведінки та...
Online Instructor-Led Pilot Course on Monitoring and Evaluation of Substance Use Prevention Interventions and Policies: Experiences and Perceptions of International Participants
INTRODUCTION: As the prevalence of substance use continues to rise all over the world amidst the ongoing pandemic, substance use prevention professionals are challenged to find alternative ways to enhance their knowledge and competence to...
Nature and Course of Clinician and Self-Rated Depressive Features in Persons with Alcohol Use Disorders: A Preliminary Prospective Study among Men Seeking Treatment
INTRODUCTION: The trajectory and nature of depression in patients with alcohol use disorder as they enter treatment needs to be understood better. This study assessed the nature and course of depressive features among male patients with...
Ризикована поведінка підлітків у віці 10-15 років у Словаччині. Відношення до статі, віку та індексу маси тіла
Довідкова інформація: В якості теоретичної бази ми використовували концепцію Джессора про синдром ризикованої поведінки в підлітковому віці, Я-концепцію і концепцію образу тіла.
МЕТ: Основною метою внеску було дослідження зв'язків між...
No Good Time Without Drugs: Qualitative Study Among Nightlife Attendees in Tbilisi, Georgia
INTRODUCTION: Individuals who visit nightclubs and electronic dance music (EDM) festivals tend to use psychoactive substances, often multiple substances, in this setting and are at risk of serious negative health effects. This paper aims to...
Epidemiological Study of Suicidal Ideation and Suicidal Behaviour Among Patients with Substance Use Disorders in a Rehabilitation and Treatment Centre for Addiction in Dubai
Provider self-efficacy in delivering evidence-based psychosocial interventions: A scoping review
Among the many variables that affect implementation of evidence-based interventions in real-world settings, self-efficacy is one of the most important factors at the provider level of the social ecology. Yet...
Teacher attitudes toward evidence-based practices: Exploratory and confirmatory analyses of the school-adapted evidence-based practice attitude scale
The Evidence-Based Practice Attitudes Scale (EBPAS) is widely used in implementation research, but it has not been adapted and validated for use among general education teachers, who are most likely to deliver...
Post-Pandemic Cannabis and Gambling Policy Changes to Attract Tourists May Lead to Future Health Problems and Costs
After the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic, on 11 March 2020, governments worldwide imposed a range of national restrictions and physical distancing measures. This included stay-at-home policies, the closure of...
Психологічні фактори та використання психоактивних речовин у зв'язку з сексуальною орієнтацією: Дослідження ізраїльської молоді.
У контексті сексуальних меншин та страждань, які вони можуть зазнати, останні роки стали свідками тенденції, яка підкреслює ідею про те, що захисні фактори можуть приборкати ризиковану поведінку, підкреслюючи при цьому, що не всі сексуальні...
Необхідність створення першого безпечного місця споживання в Ізраїлі
У статті представлена справа створення безпечних місць споживання (СКС) в Ізраїлі. SCS, також відомий як кімната споживання наркотиків (DCR), забезпечує безпечне та медичне спостереження для людей, які вживають ін'єкційні наркотики (PWID)...
Gender, employment, and continuous pandemic as predictors of alcohol and drug consumption during the COVID-19.
This study aims to assess the impacts of the continuous pandemic state, gender and employment status on changes in substance use during the COVID-19 outbreak.
A sample of 828 Israelis participated in an online survey...
Substances use between early and later stages of the COVID 19 pandemic in Israel
Only several empirical studies have examined substance use during the COVID-19 pandemic in general populations. Most of these studies compared self-reported substances use before the pandemic and during the pandemic's early stages...
Live Session on " Suicide and Substance Use Disorder" Conducted by ISSUP Pakistan Chapter on Dated 21-01-2023
ISSUP Pakistan Chapter conducted Live Session on "SUCIDE AND SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER" from ISSUP Pakistan Chapter's & Youth Forum Pakistan's Facebook Pages, YouTube Channels and Twitter with Guest Speaker Dr. Talat Habib Medical Doctor/MBBS...
Сила стійкості
NIDA INVEST Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
NIDA INVEST Postdoctoral Research Fellowship for International Scholars: Now Accepting Applications
Special Deadline: April 1, 2023
The NIDA International Program is accepting applications from international postdoctoral researchers...
Recovery Research Institute Infographics
The Recovery Research Institute have put together a series of pamphlets presenting and discussing all issues relating to recovery support
Recovery 101
Recovery from a substance use disorder is defined as a process of improved physical, psychological, and social well-being and health after having suffered from a substance-related condition.
The recovery research institute has put...
Recovery Pathways Online Course
This online course introduces the science of addiction recovery and looks at the evidence on recovery pathways in Europe.
Recovery Pathways has a particular focus on gender differences in how people recover and what happens at different...
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