Stigmatizing imagery for substance use disorders: a qualitative exploration
Science of Self-Care: How It Helps and Why It Matters
Recovery: The Many Paths to Wellness (Chapter 5 from Facing Addiction in America)
The Many Paths to Wellness: Explore Chapter 5 in "Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General's Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health," which defines the concept of recovery from substance use disorders and reviews methods used by...
Synthetic Opioids: Navigating a Changing Landscape in the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder
Alarming Statistics: Over One Million Young Drivers Imperil Lives with Marijuana and Alcohol Behind the Wheel
Driving under the influence (DUI) of psychoactive substances is an issue of paramount concern in both public health and the criminal justice system. It affects millions of Americans yearly, and while there is extensive research on DUI among...
Connecting Communities to Substance Use Services: Practical Approaches for First Responders
During their day-to-day work, first responders such as law enforcement officers, firefighters, and emergency medical services (EMS) personnel often encounter people who use drugs (PWUD), including alcohol, opioids, stimulants, and...
FDA Approves New Buprenorphine Treatment Option for Opioid Use Disorder
For Immediate Release: May 23, 2023
Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Brixadi (buprenorphine) extended-release injection for subcutaneous use (under the skin) to treat moderate to severe opioid use disorder (OUD)...
Covering Substance Use and Addiction Responsibly
What Are The Five Stages Of Change?- A Blog Dedicated to Educate the Families of people with Addiction
The blog is a rich source of learning.
You may read the information at your pace.
Share with the clients and their families to equip themselves with the simple strategies to take steps towards more recovery and less relapse.
Here- https...
Factors related to substance use treatment attendance after peer recovery coach intervention in the emergency department
Brief intervention with peer recovery coach support has been used to generate referrals to substance use disorder treatment from the emergency department (ED). This retrospective study evaluated factors associated...
A Practical DBT Workbook for Radically Eliminating Neurodivergent Disorders: How to Help You Confront Your Social Anxiety Triggers and Improve Your Interpersonal Effectiveness and Social Skills
- The 4 core skills of dialectical behavior therapy, and how they can benefit people with neurodivergent conditions (ADHD, Autistic, Dyslexia ,Dyspraxia and Tourette Syndrome etc.. because they have high probability of developing addictions...
The Substance Use Professional’s Guide to Addressing Medical Cannabis in Substance Use Treatment Settings
جیل کے بعد کی زندگی سے نمٹنا
ماہر نفسیات ری انٹری پروگراموں میں اہم کردار ادا کر رہے ہیں ، لیکن جیل چھوڑنے کے بعد جیل سے نکلنے کے بعد کامیاب زندگی کی تعمیر میں قید افراد کی مدد کے لئے مزید تحقیق اور سرمایہ کاری کی ضرورت ہے۔
امریکن سائیکولوجیکل ایسوسی ایشن کے "مانیٹر...
Effect of a Peer-Led Behavioral Intervention for Emergency Department Patients at High Risk of Fatal Opioid Overdose A Randomized Clinical Trial
Importance Fatal and nonfatal opioid overdoses are at record levels, and emergency department (ED) visits may be an opportune time to intervene. Peer-led models of care are increasingly common; however, little is known about...
Patient Journey Map Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Experiences
About the Report
Addiction Policy Forum’s (APF) Patient Experiences Journey Map was developed through the input of patients in treatment and recovery from substance use disorder (SUD). The map underscores the obstacles and positive points...
Enhancing treatment recovery services for women
Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC) Resource Guide
The purpose of this resource guide is to share an overview of ROSC and illustrate how these systems are an integral part of the new health care environment. This guide will align the tenets of health care reform to the benefits, framework...
جامع نشے اور بازیابی ایکٹ 2021 سے چار پروگراموں کی پیش رفت
مادہ کے استعمال کی خرابی (ایس یو ڈی) اور اوپیوئڈ کے...
Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement Remediates Hedonic Dysregulation in Opioid Users: Neural and Affective Evidence of Target Engagement
Addiction neuroscience models posit that recurrent drug use increases reactivity to drug-related cues and blunts responsiveness to natural rewards, propelling a cycle of hedonic dysregulation that drives addictive behavior. Here...
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