Mental Health
The relationship between mental health disorders and substance use and integrated approaches. .
Toolkit for practitioners working with families affected by co-occurring conditions
This toolkit has been produced by Adfam and family members affected by the co-occurring conditions of substance use disorders and mental ill-health. It is designed for practitioners who support those caring for a loved one who is having...
Managing Co-occuring Alcohol and Other Drug and Mental Health Conditions
This website provides evidence-based information, training and resources to assist with the management of co-occurring, or comorbid, AOD and mental health conditions.
The content is based on the second edition of the “Guidelines on the...
Disruption to Mental Health Services Caused by COVID-19
A recent World Health Organisation (WHO) survey has found that 93% of countries worldwide have experienced significant disruption to mental health services.
With a rise in demand for these services, these worring findings suggest there...
Evidence Review of Drug Treatment Services for People who are Homeless and Use Drugs
People who are homeless have complex and challenging lives. They tend to have worse physical and mental health than the general population. Substance use is more prevalent among people who are homeless than in the general population, and...
Smoking Cessation for Improving Mental Health- Cochrane Review
People with mental health issues are more likely to smoke compared to the general population. They are also more likely to experience severe withdrawals and are less responsive to treatment. Indeed, some people believe that quitting smoking...
A US national randomized study to guide how best to reduce stigma when describing drug‐related impairment in practice and policy
منشیات اور بے گھری کا جواب دینا۔ یورپ میں جدید طریقے
مقصد: بے گھری اور منشیات کے شعبے میں حل فراہم کرنے والے جدید پروگراموں کی تلاش کرنا۔
پس منظر: طویل مدتی بے گھری، منشیات کے استعمال اور شراب پر انحصار کے درمیان تعلق اچھی طرح سے دستاویزی ہے. شواہد سے پتہ چلتا ہے کہ نسبتا چھوٹی ، طویل...
Families, substance use and mental health: Report and Toolkit
Dual diagnosis is the term used to describe people with mental health problems, who also misuse drugs or alcohol.
People affected by dual diagnosis often fall through the cracks of public services, and so do their families. Those cracks...
نشے کی لت اور خاندانی بین الاقوامی نیٹ ورک
اے ایف آئی نیٹ ویبینار نشے اور خاندان سے متعلق متعدد موضوعات کا احاطہ کرتے ہیں۔ 2021 کا پروگرام ذیل میں ہے۔ ہر ویبینار میں شرکت مفت ہے، لیکن اس میں شامل ہونے کے لئے، آپ کو پہلے سے اندراج کرنا ہوگا۔ ہر ویبینار کے لئے جس میں آپ دلچسپی رکھتے...
Stigma Reading List
Stigma is a complex construct that is present within societies at different levels. The impact of stigma can severely damage individuals and communities. People who use substances are often on the receiving end of stigmatising attitudes and...
Stigma and people who inject drugs: surveillance and interventions to reduce stigma
While the National BBV/STI Strategies have emphasised the importance of stigma for people who inject drugs.
However, until recently there has not been a system to measure and report on the experience of stigma.
This presentation will...
The Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health and Substance Use in Youth
This webinar explored how COVID-19 pandemic impacted mental health and substance use in young people.
It also discussed the challenges that youth continue to face during the pandemic and how youth allies, including educators, parents...
Overcoming Stigma Through Language: A Primer
Stigma is a significant barrier to wellness and good health for people who use substances.
The goal of this primer is to facilitate conversations and increase awareness of the stigma surrounding people who use substances, their support...
Logging into Therapy: Adolescent Perceptions of Online Therapies for Mental Health Problems
This study describes adolescent attitudes towards online therapies and explores the factors that predict these attitudes.
Australian adolescents (N = 217) were surveyed on their knowledge of, attitudes...
The Stigma of Substance Use
Dr Liviu Alexandrescu Lecturer in Criminology School of History, Philosophy and Culture – Oxford Brookes University
Presentation title: Drug/dependency stigma and marginality: some reflections on the political economy of blame.
Treatment Experiences with Norwegian Health Care among Immigrant Men Living with Co-Occurring Substance Use- and Mental Health Disorders
Immigrants are considered at risk of psychological distress and therefore involvement in substance abuse, due to a variety of pre- and post-migration factors. Further, there is lower treatment engagement, a higher dropout rate...
Building Strength and Resilience during the COVID 19 Pandemic A Focus on Parents with Substance Use
Hendree Jones, Professor UNC Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Executive Director UNC Horizons presents on work developed in summer 2020 regarding helping parents cope.
'پیپل فرسٹ' زبان سے آگے بڑھتے ہوئے- مادہ کے استعمال میں متضاد اصطلاحات کی ایک اصطلاح
زبان لوگوں کے گروہوں کے بارے میں نقطہ نظر اور رائے کو تشکیل دینے میں طاقتور ہے۔
مادہ کے استعمال کے مسائل پر تبادلہ خیال کرنے کے طریقے کو تبدیل کرکے ، ہم نشے کے بارے میں نقصان دہ دقیانوسی تصورات کو تبدیل کرنا شروع کرسکتے ہیں۔
منشیات کے...
Domestic Violence, Substance Misuse and Mental Ill-health: The Toxic Trio
Within research examining adverse childhood experiences, the toxic trio describes the risk of child abuse and neglect stemming from a child’s exposure to domestic violence, parental mental health issues and/or learning disability, and...
پناہ گزینوں کے سفر کے ذریعے نقصان دہ شراب کے استعمال پر اثر انداز ہونے والے عوامل کی تلاش: ایک معیاری مطالعہ
سکاٹش ہیلتھ ایکشن آن الکوحل کے مسائل (ایس ایچ اے اے پی) اور یونیورسٹی آف ایڈنبرا اسکول آف ہیلتھ ان سوشل سائنس کی یہ رپورٹ پناہ گزینوں کے سفر کے دوران نقصان دہ شراب کے استعمال پر اثر انداز ہونے والے عوامل کی کھوج کرتی ہے۔
برطانیہ میں...
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