Supply control
Reducing the availability of illegal substances through law enforcement and regulation.
UNODC Global eLearning
UNODCs online eLearning courses deliver trainings to a community of over 50,000 Member State officials on international security threats such as transnational organized crime, terrorism, illicit drugs, trafficking in persons and...
The Key Drivers of Alcohol Supply and Demand
Alcohol outlets will open to sell alcohol and meet market demand. The supply and demand are linked so that greater supply will induce yet greater demand. Analysis of neighbourhood structure is important so as to help shape public health...
Observatorio del Narcotráfico en Chile, Informe 2017
¿Por qué creemos que es importante un Observatorio del Narcotráfico? Porque pensamos que no basta con repasar las estadísticas de un delito para comprender su comportamiento. Es necesario ir más allá y tratar de comprender las...
International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
European Drug Report 2018
The European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) has released their latest European Drugs report.
Covering 30 European countries the report explores drug trends, developments in prevention and treatment, public health...
Guidance on the Implementation of Minimum Pricing for Alcohol
With legislation brought in on 1 May 2018 the Scottish Government has produced a resource offering Guidance on the Implementation of Minimum Pricing for Alcohol for sellers of alcohol and alcohol enforcement authorities in Scotland.
Solution to Detect, Classify, and Report Illicit Online Marketing and Sales of Controlled Substances via Twitter
Background: On December 6 and 7, 2017, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) hosted its first Code-a-Thon event aimed at leveraging technology and data-driven solutions to help combat the opioid epidemic. The...
Patrones territoriales y factores sociodemográficos asociados a los homicidios y el narcotráfico en Costa Rica
Los resultados del estudio permiten confirmar la existencia de conglomerados espaciales relacionados con los homicidios e incautación de drogas a nivel distrital. En otras palabras, ambos eventos no se presentan de forma aleatoria en el...
Informe de Situación Nacional sobre Drogas y Actividades Conexas 2016
Tratamiento del consumo
Instituciones gubernamentales:
El año 2016 mostró una disminución en la cantidad de pacientes atendidos excepto de aquellos incluidos en el rango de 19 a 25 años aunque el total de atenciones aumento...
Standardized Indicators for National Drug Information Networks in the Caribbean
This guide, developed by and for persons working in member states of the Caribbean, presents a model set of indicators to countries desiring to standardize the way that they organize, collect, and report drug-related information for their...
United Kingdom Drug Situation: Focal Point Annual Report
The United Kingdom Focal Point on Drugs (UK Focal Point) 2017 report is available on the UK government's digital portal.
Based at Public Health England, the UK Focal Point is the national partner of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs...
Observatorio de redes criminales y tráficos ilícitos del Real Instituto Elcano
En este valioso documento, Sonia Alda Mejías presenta una aproximación al análisis de los flujos ilegales del tráfico de cocaína. Lo hace a través de una visión que contempla algunos de los aspectos clave del análisis de las redes...
Alcohol Outlet Availability and Excessive Alcohol Consumption in Breast Cancer Survivors
Breast cancer survivors who consume alcohol excessively are at increased risk of recurrence and have worse prognosis. Because the environments in which people live shape many health behaviors, there has been increased...
The Internet and Drug Markets
The last decade has seen the emergence of new internet technologies that have acted as important facilitators of online drug markets. The internet now hosts a range of virtual marketplaces (both on the surface and deep web) for...
A Serious Matter: Laughing Gas Prompts Review of UK’s Psychoactive Substances Act
Introduced in 2016, The Psychoactive Substances Act is designed to deal with the influx of new drugs often labelled ‘legal highs’.
The Act bans any substance that "by stimulating or depressing the person’s central nervous system… affects...
Why Are Many American Adults Misusing Prescription Painkillers?
Prescription painkillers are second only to marijuana as the United States drug of choice. Around 91.8 million Americans aged 18 and above used prescription painkillers in 2014, according to the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health...
Preventing Violence Through Alcohol Consumption Reduction Measures
The World Health Organization has released a series of briefings on violence prevention. Of particular interest is Chapter 3: Preventing Violence by Reducing Availability and Harmful Use of Alcohol.
‘Harmful use of alcohol is a major...
ISSUP at the 60th Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
Illuminating the Dark Web
The Economist reports that the drug trade is moving from the street to so-called online ‘cryptomarkets’, or secret virtual-shop-fronts.
Online markets currently facilitate a comparatively small amount of illegal drug sales. Nonetheless...
Revealed: The Global Cost of Smoking
Smoking and its related harms cost the world more than $1 trillion and claim the lives of around 6 million people each year, according to a new report from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Cancer Institute.
$1 trillion...
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