Addiction 101

The Recovery Research Institute have developed a new website that aims to answer the most common questions asked about addiction.
Addiction 101 addresses questions such as:
- What is the prevalence and cause of addiction?
- What does...
Centros de Integración Biblioteca Virtual En Adicciones
The Virtual Library in Addictions, developed by Centros de Integración Juvenil, allows access to resources and information services specialized in Addictions and related topics, serving users of different levels.
The aim of the library is...
Surviving Stigma Podcast
In this podcast, Diane Goslar, a person who struggled with alcohol-related issues, talks to Peter Markham Head of Digital, about the stigma she faced among family, friends and work colleagues as she battled alcohol addiction.
What's The Crack Podcast
Barely a week goes by without legal highs, binge drinking, or the latest celebrity rehab hitting the headlines.
But have you ever wondered what the facts are behind drug and addiction news stories?
Three researchers from the National...
Take-Home Naloxone Toolkit
The Improving Outcomes in the Treatment of Opioid Dependence (IOTOD) Take-Home Naloxone Toolkit contains guidance and resources on how to set up a take-home naloxone programme, in order to reduce overdoses and save lives.
With the...
Webcasts from the 2018 Improving Outcomes in the Treatment of Opioid Dependence
Improving Outcomes in the Treatment of Opioid Dependence (IOTOD) is an educational initiative that aims to improve opioid dependence healthcare through a variety of programmes
IOTOD host an annual conference, and following the event they...
Website: End of Life Care for People with Problematic Substance Use
This website offers resources developed from a two-year research programme on end of life care for people with alcohol and other drug problems. The research programme was the first of its kind to explore current practice and service...
The Evidence Podcasts
The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) has produced a new series of podcasts that are investigating and reviewing the evidence on alcohol, cannabis, opioids, stigma and more.
Each month, The Evidence podcast will feature...
Effectiveness Bank Course on Drug Treatment Research
This instalment ends the 2018 refresh of the Drug Treatment Matrix, reminding you of the issues addressed in its five rows (listed below) intersected by five columns stepping up in...
World Health Organization SAFER Alcohol Control Initiative
The WHO Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health claims that alcohol consumption contributes to more than 3 million deaths globally every year and is the seventh leading risk factor for premature death and disability.
The World Health...
Educational Packages for Opioid Use Disorders
The Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network has released a set of educational packages that can be used by professionals working with individuals with opioid disorders.
Online booklets, which have been specially designed for peer...
2018 NDARC Annual Research Symposium - Presentations
A number of presentations from the 2018 NDARC Annual Research Symposium, which was held on Monday, 8 October 2018, have been made available.
The theme of the event was Clinical, community and policy responses to emerging problems in drug...
Opioid Treatment Resources
Emergency departments are often the first point of contact for individuals who have overdosed or suffering from the effects of opioids. Despite the vital role practitioners within this service provide, there has been, up until now, little...
NIDA Easy to Read Drug Facts
If you are searching for a simple format way to communicate the key issues around drugs then the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) website may offer a multi-media solution.
The Easy to Read Drug Facts section of the NIDA website...
Fentanyl and Other Synthetic Opioids Drug Overdose Deaths
A infographic resource from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) exploring the drug related death statistics relating to fentanyl and other synthetic opioids reported in the United States.
With nearly 50% of opioid related deaths...
Guidelines on the Management of Co-Occurring Alcohol and Other Drug and Mental Health Conditions in Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Settings
First published in 2009 and updated in 2014 the Guidelines on the Management of Co-Occurring Alcohol and Other Drug and Mental Health Conditions in Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Settings are offered in tandem with an online training...
Drug Facts from the Australian Alcohol and Drug Foundation
Digital health information about the risks of drugs is available through the Australian Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF) website. The searchable online database, Drug Facts, features information about a range of substances which may pose...
New Resource Centre from SAMHSA
SAMHSA has launched the new Evidence Based Resource Center which will allow practitioners to find tools, manuals, clinical practice guidelines and science based-resources.
Available directly through the SAMHSA website, the digital...
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