The Science of Physical Activity
What is the science behind it?
Physical activity has many health benefits: it strengthens the heart and can help improve bone health and fitness, lowers blood pressure, improves sleep quality and reduces the risk of diabetes.
Listen First: The Science of Praise
What is the science behind it?
Praising children’s behaviour makes them feel safe and secure.
Praising children the right way can improve self-esteem, increase motivation and enhance perseverance.
Well measured and regular...
The Impact of Sport and Sport-based Interventions in Preventing Youth Violence, Crime and Drug Use
Sport can be a powerful tool to engage communities and prevent crime, violence and drug use among youth. As part of the Doha Declaration Global Programme, UNODC’s Youth Crime Prevention through Sport initiative has developed “Line Up Live...
Listen First: The Science of Patience
Listen First is a UNODC initiative to support happy, healthy and happy family relationships.
This video demonstrates how patience makes children feel cared for and loved and is key in creating meaningful relationships and good...
NGO Marketplace Training Video
The NGO Marketplace ( is a global platform for NGOs working on drug-related issues. It is a joint project of the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs (VNGOC) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
This video...
Webinar on the World Drug Report 2020
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