Inauguration of the YOUFEST on Pakistan Independence Day 2022
On August 14, 2022, Sunday was the day of great hustle and bustle at Grace International Rehabilitation Center. The celebrations of the day had a special purpose to disclose the Global Vision 2030 called YOUFEST. The next 8 years of the...
“Training of Trainers (TOT) workshop regarding Substance Abuse Prevention”
Training of Trainers (TOT) workshop regarding Drug Abuse Prevention has been organized by EQUIP Research & Developments in collaboration with the Ministry of Narcotics Control, Govt. of Pakistan on 8th May 2022 at EQUIP head office, Multan...
Protidrogová osvětová kampaň prostřednictvím motivačního řečníka
Protidrogová osvětová kampaň prostřednictvím motivačního řečníka
Syed Zulfiqar Husain, ředitel Drug Advisory Training Hub (DATH), spolu s panem Adeelem Rashidem a Syedem Mohsinem se setkali s motivačním řečníkem panem Qasimem Ali Shahem...
Tobacco Webinar Series: Tobacco Smoking Addiction - From Prevention to Treatment
Webinar | Risk & Protective Factors of Substance Use: Youth Focused Prevention
Engaging Youth in Substance Use Prevention (EYTSUP) - 2019/2020
To educate and train professionals and students on preventing their societies from the hazardous effects of substance use.
Key Achievements During Project
It was initially intended to invite 20 professionals from...
Training of Professionals on Preventing Substance Abuse in Schools and the Community
First Milestone Achieved:
Successfully completed Training of Professionals on Preventing Substance Abuse in Schools and Community @ at PASK Hall 16 - 17 November, 2019 Karachi, Pakistan
In the first phase of the project 32 young...
Seminar on Suicide and Substance Abuse Prevention
Conducted a session on Suicide and Substance Abuse Prevention organized by Green Star in Karachi, Pakistan.
Školení školitelů o univerzálním preventivním kurikulu (UPC) v Pákistánu
Od 17. do 21. června 2019 UNODC vyškolil celkem 16 školitelů v Pákistánu v rámci kurzu 5 univerzálního preventivního kurikula (UPC), který se týká intervencí ve školách. Školení školitelů UPC v Pákistánu se skládá ze 3 vybraných kurzů ze...
Convention on Drug Use Prevention
Grand Convention on Drug Use Prevention organized by Drug Advisory Training Hub (DATH) and Youth Council for Anti Narcotics (YOCFAN) at Lahore College for Women University (LCWU) in collaboration with PHEC, Directorate of Colleges Lahore...
2nd International Conference on Addiction Research and Therapy, 13.-14. května 2019 Praha, Česká republika
2nd International Conference on Addiction Research and TherapyMay
13-14, 2019 Praha, Česká republika
Téma: Pochopitelný pohled na dilema závislosti na závislostech
2019 Webová stránka:
Annual Report: Use of Narcotics in City of Lahore
The Drug Advisory Training Hub (DATH) & Youth Council for Anti Narcotics (YOCFAN) have published the latest annual report on the use of narcotics in Lahore.
The report gives an overview of the current situation in Lahore and outlines the...
Užitečné setkání se zástupcem plánu Colombo dne 18. ledna 2019 v Karáčí, Pákistán
Zaměstnanci Pákistánské nadace bez drog měli skvělé setkání s Colombo Plan for Cooperative Economic and Social Development v Asii a zástupcem Pacificko-drogového poradenského programu (DAP) panem Mohammadem Ayubem Senior Advisor / Treatment...
NIDA International SPR Poster Session: Rizikové faktory pro vyjádření hněvu a sebevražedné tendence u mužských pákistánských dospívajících
Tento abstrakt byl prezentován na výročním zasedání Společnosti pro výzkum prevence 2018, které se konalo 29. května - 1. června 2018 ve Washingtonu, DC, USA.
Salman Shahzad University of Karáčí, Pákistán
Univerzita Nasreen Begum v...
Dissemination and Implementation Science: Translating Domestic Provider Training Programs for Pakistan Regarding Culturally Competent HIV Healthcare for Transgender Persons
This abstract was presented at the 2018 Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting which was held May 29 – June 1, 2018 in Washington, DC, US.
Muhammad Armaghan Mussadiq University of Maryland at College Park
Bradley Owen Boekeloo...
Informační kampaň v různých vzdělávacích institucích v Pákistánu
Correlates of Substance Use in Male Pakistani Adolescents
Salman Shahzad, Wendy Leigh Kliewer, Muzafar Ali, Nasreen Begum
Substance use is a significant problem in Pakistan, particularly among male adolescents, yet there are few studies of the correlates of use in this population. As a first step...
Project: “Engaging Young People in Peacebuilding & Evidence-Based Drug Prevention Intervention & Policies"
The “Engaging Young People in Peacebuilding” Project of the Drug Free Pakistan Foundation was continuously engaged in organizing and conducting teachers' training, youth leadership training and school programs in school-based prevention...
Training of Youth Drug Prevention Facilitators in Pakistan
The Pakistani non-governmental organisation, Aga Khan Rural Support (AKRSP), organised its first four day training programme on evidence-based school and community drug abuse prevention for teachers from 6th - 10th October, 2017 in...
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