Reducing the risk factors and enhancing the protective factors associated with initiating substance use.
ISSUP at the 60th Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
Evaluating Communities That Care (CTC)
‘Community coalitions’ is a preventative strategy that coordinates activities and resources to reduce adolescent substance use and delinquent behaviour, mobilising communities in the promotion of health and prevention initiatives.
Preventing and Treating Tobacco Use among Canadian Youth
The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care has issued a new evidence-based guideline for combatting tobacco use by children and young adults aged 5 – 18, suggesting that physicians ought to have a more active role in the prevention...
Can Drug Prevention Programmes Reduce Substance Use by Participants’ Friends?
Great Resources for Teachers
Are you a teacher? Are you looking for materials or lesson plans on the effects of drugs and drug abuse? The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has created a great database of more than 70 teacher materials on the effects of drugs and...
Drug Misuse Prevention: Targeted Interventions
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has released guidelines that cover targeted interventions to prevent misuse of drugs, including illegal drugs, ‘legal highs’ and prescription-only medicines. It aims to prevent or...
Drugs on the Brain: Neurological Scans Predict Future Substance Use
A new study published in the journal Nature has found that brain scans can predict whether or not teenagers will develop drug taking behaviours later in life.
A sample of 14-year-olds was assessed. The investigation reports that, from an...
Spánek a užívání návykových látek: Jaká je souvislost?
Counselling Parents and Teens about Marijuana Use in the Era of Legalisation of Marijuana
Many states have recently made significant changes to their legislation making recreational and/or medical marijuana use by adults legal. Although these laws, for the most part, have not targeted the adolescent population, they...
Better Working Memory, Less Temptation: Substance Abuse and Neuro-Mechanisms
New research published in the journal Addiction suggests that poor working memory and the inability to control impulses during adolescence are key predictors for future substance abuse. ‘Working memory’ refers to one’s capacity to...
The Drug Problem in the Americas: Drugs and Public Health
Summary and Findings
Most people do not use illicit drugs and among those who try them, only a fraction will develop patterns of dependence. Still, drug use constitutes a serious health problem for many people in the Americas. Early age...
The Urgent Need to Change the Current Medical Approach on Tobacco Cessation in Latin America
Despite the accumulation of scientific evidence confirming the health consequences of smoking and the new paradigm of smoking as a disease where nicotine is the drug that modifies the functional and morphological characteristics...
Účast na školním sportu a užívání marihuany mezi studenty a studentkami
Snižování rizika: posouzení účinnosti počítačových zásahů
Adfam’s Manifesto for Families: 5 Key Challenges for Supporting Families Affected by Drug and Alcohol Use
“You don’t have to use drugs to be affected by them.”
In 2010 Adfam identified five key challenges for families that the Government should address, identified by stakeholders across England. They were:
- Supporting families in their own...
Předávkování fentanylem - New Haven, Connecticut, 23. června 2016
Co je již o tomto tématu známo?
Fentanyl a jeho analogy byly nahrazeny heroinem a jinými opioidy a jsou obvykle uváděny na trh osobám vyhledávajícím opiáty. Vzhledem k vysoké účinnosti fentanylu ve srovnání s heroinem...
Enzymy podílející se na metabolismu kokainu: nový farmakologický přístup k léčbě předávkování kokainem
Abstrakt angličtina/španělština
Úvod: Byly vyvinuty nové terapeutické strategie proti toxicitě předávkování kokainem. Tyto nové přístupy jsou založeny na návrhu a syntéze proteinů, které se podílejí na destrukci kokainu dříve, než má...
Reviewing England's Drug Misuse Treatment System
Public Health England’s recently published review reveals that the country’s drug misuse treatment system is performing well. However, there are still several areas that call for improvements.
Amongst the report’s findings, notable are:
...Odložit užívání marihuany do věku 17 let je lepší pro dospívající mozek
Čím déle teenageři odkládají užívání marihuany, tím lépe pro jejich vyvíjející se mozek. Nová studie však zjistila, že pokud člověk začne kouřit drogu po 17. roce věku, může to mít jen malý nepříznivý účinek. Podle výzkumu nedávno...
Plans for a Smoke-Free Finland Gather Pace
Finland plans to cut consumption of tobacco products - in any form – to less than 2% among adults by 2040. As is the case with many industrialised countries, Finland’s smoking rates have decreased in recent years as a result of various...
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