Reducing the risk factors and enhancing the protective factors associated with initiating substance use.
Evaluation of a Novel Intervention Providing Insight into the Tobacco Industry to Prevent the Uptake of Smoking in School-Aged Children
Objectives: Evidence from the US Truth campaign suggests that interventions focusing on tobacco industry practices and ethics may be effective in preventing youth smoking uptake. We developed, piloted and evaluated a school...
Progression from E-Cigarettes to Conventional Cigarettes Dictated by Levels of Nicotine, Study Finds
Nicotine is the addictive component of conventional cigarettes. E-cigarettes are available in a range of nicotine strengths. Those that contain nicotine were deemed recently to be subject to regulation by the US Food and Drug Administration...
School-Based Alcohol and Drug Education and Prevention – What Works?
School-Based Alcohol and Drug Education and Prevention – What Works? is a new briefing paper published by Mentor-Adepis. It outlines several approaches that have been shown to work effectively, and issues cautions about those that have not...
A Social-Ecological Framework of Theory, Assessment, and Prevention of Suicide
The juxtaposition of increasing suicide rates with continued calls for suicide prevention efforts begs for new approaches. Grounded in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) framework for tackling health issues, this personal...
Associations of Perceived Interparental Relationship, Family Harmony and Family Happiness with Smoking Intention in Never-Smoking Chinese Children and Adolescents
Objective: To examine the associations of perceived interparental relationship, family harmony and family happiness with smoking intention in never-smoking Chinese children and adolescents in Hong Kong.
Design, settings and...
The Prognostic Significance of Smoking Cessation after Acute Coronary Syndromes
Objective: We aim to ascertain the prognostic significance of persistent smoking and smoking cessation after an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in the era of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and optimal secondary...
Alcohol on YouTube: What Are Kids Viewing?
New research appearing in the latest volume of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs examines YouTube videos that reference alcohol brands, and which are popular among underage audiences. Together, the videos analysed received just...
8 kroků k minimalizaci opiátové krize v USA
Současná úroveň závislosti na opioidech v USA je tak alarmující, že v červenci 2017 prezidentská komise pro boj s drogovou závislostí a opiátovou krizí naléhavě navrhla, aby prezident Trump vyhlásil národní stav nouze, aby uvolnil zdroje a...
CICAD Hemispheric Guidelines on School-Based Prevention
As developed by CICAD's Expert Group on Demand Reduction and approved by the Commission in 2004, these guidelines speak to strategies to conduct research, create educational materials, train teachers, and carry out and evaluate prevention...
Specification of Change Mechanisms in Pregnant Smokers for Malleable Target Identification
Maternal smoking during pregnancy (MSDP) continues to be a leading modifiable risk factor for perinatal complications and a range of neurodevelopmental and cardio-metabolic outcomes across the lifespan. Despite 40 years of intervention...
Lack of Sleep and Substance Use: A Worrying Link
Children and adolescents need more sleep than adults. A good night's sleep for those in their teens is considered to be 8.5 – 9.5 hours. Just over ¼ of US high school students get 8+ hours of sleep a night, according to the 2015 Youth Risk...
Effectiveness of School-Based Smoking Prevention Curricula
Objective: To assess effectiveness of school-based smoking prevention curricula keeping children never-smokers.
Design: Systematic review, meta-analysis. Data: MEDLINE (1966+), EMBASE (1974+), Cinahl, PsycINFO (1967+), ERIC...
Cartilha de Direitos Humanos e Juventude
Na última sexta-feira, lançamos o novo volume da nossa série de Cartilhas de Direitos Humanos, no UNISAL - Lorena. Tive a alegria de organizar a referida Cartilha com a Dra. Maria Aparecida Alkimim. Uma realização do Movimento Lorena pela...
Characteristics of Persons Who Inject Drugs and Who Witness Opioid Overdoses in Vietnam
Persons who use opioids have a high risk of overdose and associated mortality. In Vietnam, little is known about the characteristics of this population and the persons who are witness to those overdoses. One...
Význam výživy pro zotavení ze závislosti
Jak důležitá je výživa pro zotavení z poruch spojených s užíváním návykových látek (SUD)?
Podle nového výzkumu publikovaného v akademickém časopise Drug and Alcohol Dependence je odpověď: velmi.
Studie, která se zabývala vztahem mezi...
Mobile Technology to Increase HIV/HCV Testing and Overdose Prevention/Response among People Who Inject Drugs
The United States faces dramatically increasing rates of opioid overdose deaths, as well as persistent ongoing problems of undiagnosed HIV and HCV infection. These problems commonly occur together in substance using populations that have...
Energy Drinks, Drug Use and the Developing Brain
New research funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has found that university students who regularly consume energy drinks are more likely to develop alcohol use disorders later in life. The same students are also at greater...
Míry a koreláty nadměrného pití mezi vysokoškolskými studenty se zdravotním postižením
Guidelines for the Evaluation of Drug Prevention: A Manual for Programme Planners and Evaluators
Guidelines for the Evaluation of Drug Prevention: A Manual for Programme Planners and Evaluators is a publication by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA).
It is the second edition of the 1998 EMCDDA...
Drogy, mozek a chování: Věda o závislostech
Od 30. let 20. století se reakce na drogovou závislost posunula od té, která se zaměřuje na potřebu trestat uživatele , k jiné, která uznává důležitost preventivních a léčebných přístupů.
Jinými slovy, díky vědeckému pokroku se...
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