Despite Falling Rates, Smoking-Related Lung Cancer Will Remain a Major Health Concern
Tobacco control interventions introduced in the United States over the past 50 years have led to notable decrease in smoking and smoking-related diseases, including lung cancer.
In a recent study, published by University of Michigan's...
Mombasa zřídí vězeňskou kliniku drogové rehabilitace
Vězeňské oddělení v Mombase brzy zavede metadonové programy pro injekční uživatele heroinu.
2018 NDARC Annual Research Symposium - Presentations
A number of presentations from the 2018 NDARC Annual Research Symposium, which was held on Monday, 8 October 2018, have been made available.
The theme of the event was Clinical, community and policy responses to emerging problems in...
Internet-Delivered Drug and Alcohol Treatment
Profily zneužívání léků a infekce virem hepatitidy C u tří generací pacientů, u nichž je sledováno dodržování léků na předpis
Cíle: Dvě epidemie ve Spojených státech spolu souvisí: injekční užívání opioidů a infekce virem hepatitidy C (HCV). Tato studie kvantifikuje vztah mezi zneužíváním nezákonných léků na předpis a infekcí HCV ve 3 generacích...
Užívání tabáku klienty léčenými SUD
Přestože kouření cigaret mezi dospělými ve Spojených státech neustále klesá, míra kouření cigaret zůstává u některých zranitelných skupin obyvatelstva stále vysoká.
Nedávná studie publikovaná v mezinárodním časopise Addictive Behaviors a...
SPR 27th Annual Meeting - Call for Papers
May 28 – May 31, 2019
Hyatt Regency San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
Papers, NIDA International Poster Session, Preconference Workshops, and "Brown Bag" SIGs
Submission Deadline...
Maldives under the Burden of Drugs - Originally Published on 19th May 2014
We are in dire need of better understanding the nature and extent of the impact of drug abuse in the Maldives and only through this understanding will we be able to make the decisions to identify appropriate strategies to combat the problem...
Substance Use and the Maldives
There are decades’ worth of evidence from around the world to guide us; we need to follow it. Given the importance of the issue, I say let’s do all interventions that have shown promising results. But what does this mean for drug use in...
Zdroje pro léčbu opiátů
Pohotovostní oddělení jsou často prvním kontaktním místem pro jednotlivce, kteří se předávkovali nebo trpí účinky opiátů. Navzdory zásadní roli, kterou praktici v rámci této služby poskytují, až dosud existovalo jen málo pokynů, jak otevřít...
How Cocaine Cues Get Planted in the Brain
Individuals suffering from substance use disorders develop strong associations between the drug’s stimulating effect and environmental cues that act as reminders of the experience, which can lead to relapse.
A recent study has proposed a...
Substance Misuse and Mental Health
Our thoughts, feelings and behaviour are controlled by a complex messenger system made of chemicals called neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters are sensitive to what is going on in our internal and external environment and will react...
Global Report on Alcohol Consumption and Health
The harmful use of alcohol is one of the leading risk factors for population health worldwide and causes more than 5% of the global disease burden. Over 200 health conditions are connected to excessive alcohol use and it has been linked...
The Use of Non-Prescribed Benzodiazepines and/or Amphetamines Predict Treatment Instability in Opioid Maintenance Treatment
INTRODUCTION: Opioid maintenance treatment (OMT) is a long-term intervention aiming at stability and reduced risk for patients. This project aims to estimate the 1-year drop-out rate of from OMT and to investigate factors associated with...
Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General’s Spotlight on Opioids
The Office of the Surgeon General and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) developed this Spotlight on Opioids from the Surgeon General’s Report, in order to provide opioid-related information in one, easy...
Low Academic Achievement Can Lead to Substance Use Disorders Later in Life
A recent study has found that poor academic achievement can lead to substance use disorders later on in life. Data collected from Swedish participants over a period of 15 to 20 years indicate a strong correlation between the low academic...
Mechanisms of Neuroimmune Gene Induction in Alcoholism
Alcoholism is a primary, chronic relapsing disease of brain reward, motivation, memory, and related circuitry. It is characterized by an individual’s continued drinking despite negative consequences related to...
Emergency Department Screening and Interventions for Substance Use Disorders
The emergency department (ED) has long been recognized as providing critical access to the health care system for many, yet only in the past few decades has the ED visit been recognized as an opportunity to identify and link...
SAMHSA’s 2017 National Survey on Drug Use and Health
The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) is the most comprehensive survey of substance use, substance use disorders, mental health and the receipt of treatment services for these disorders in the United States. NSDUH began in 1971...
Barriers to Addiction Treatment among Formerly Incarcerated Adults with Substance Use Disorders
Addiction treatment improves substance use and criminal recidivism outcomes among justice-involved individuals with substance use disorders, but is underutilized. Although information exists regarding barriers to...
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