Sexual Behaviour and Abuse of Drugs among Urban Teenagers in Lagos
Sexual Behaviour and Abuse of Drugs Among Urban Teenagers in Lagos
Molobe Ikenna Daniel 1, 2, 3, 4
1 Unified Initiative for a Drug-Free Nigeria, Lagos, Nigeria
2 World Federation Against Drugs (WFAD), Stockholm, Sweden
3 Foundat...
Drug Abuse and Unsafe Abortion among Teenage Girls in Nigeria
Ikenna Molobe
I. Molobe. Unified Initiative for a Drug-Free Nigeria, Nigeria
Methods: The study methodology adopted the use of qualitative and quantitative approach. Focus Group Discussions (FGD) were conducted among secondary school...
Effectiveness Bank Matrix Cell: Reconciling the Interests of Community, Clients, and Families
Key studies on the roles of management in treatment’s impacts on crime and safeguarding the community, with a focus on criminal justice and child protection. Explore what research can offer managers who have to reconcile the interests of...
Spojené arabské emiráty vyškolí specializované drogové poradce k léčbě rostoucího počtu případů zneužívání
Národní rehabilitační centrum Spojených arabských emirátů otevírá školicí středisko, které bude šířit vzdělávací programy, včetně univerzálního léčebného kurikula (UTC) pro region Středního východu.
Quick Reference Guide: Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence
This clinician guide describes the development process, analysis and discussion of the available research while providing more complete information for health care decision-making.
The Effect of Public Health-Oriented Drug Law Reform on HIV Incidence in People who Inject Drugs in Tijuana, Mexico
As countries embark on public health-oriented drug law reform, health impact evaluations are needed. In 2012, Mexico mandated the narcomenudeo reform, which depenalised the possession of small amounts of drugs and...
Effectiveness Bank Matrix Cell: Coercion Tests Therapeutic Skills
Key studies on the contribution of the practitioner to reducing crime and safeguarding the community. Commentary risks formulating a general rule: The trickier the situation, the more the worker matters. Implication is that therapeutic...
Bullying Involvement and Substance Use among Brazilian Students
Objective: Although bullying involvement has been associated with adolescent substance use, most of this evidence comes from high-income countries. Little is known about substance use among perpetrator-victims in low- and middle...
Eficacia de las etiquetas de advertencia en las cajetillas de cigarrillo
Objetivo: Establecer la capacidad que tienen las etiquetas de advertencia con el tamaño mínimo exigido por la Organización Mundial de la Salud para capturar la atención en fumadores y no fumadores. Métodos: En el estudio se...
Occupational Patterns in Unintentional and Undetermined Drug-Involved and Opioid-Involved Overdose Deaths
What is already known about this topic?
A majority of the U.S. population participates in the workforce. A person’s job affects both physical and psychological well- being. The opioid epidemic negatively affects workers, work-...
Manual de instrucción de SAMHSA para la prevención de la sobredosis de opioides
Equipa a los proveedores de atención médica, las comunidades y los gobiernos locales con materiales para desarrollar prácticas y políticas para ayudar a prevenir las sobredosis y las muertes relacionadas con los opioides. Aborda diferentes...
NIDA Notes: Impacts of Drugs on Neurotransmission
This articles discusses the central importance of studying drugs’ effects on neurotransmission and describes some of the most common experimental methods used in this research.
Drugs can alter the way people think, feel, and behave by...
Statistický bulletin: Úmrtí související s otravou drogami v Anglii a Walesu
Federal Response to the Opioid Crisis in the US
Purpose of Review: In light of the current crisis in opioid involved overdose deaths, the federal Department of Health and Human Services operating divisions are working together to implement a data-driven, research-based...
Overview of University-Based Addiction Studies Programs in the United States
Krátkodobý dopad akreditovaného kurikula EuroPean na školení o léčbě tabáku (EPACTT)
Cílem této pilotní studie bylo posoudit krátkodobou účinnost intervence EuroPean Accredited Curriculum on Tobacco Treatment Training při zlepšování znalostí, postojů a sebeúčinnosti poskytovatelů zdravotní péče v...
Insights from Individuals Successfully Recovered from Cannabis Use Disorder: Natural versus Treatment-Assisted Recoveries and Abstinent versus Moderation Outcomes
Increasing understanding of the pathways and processes of recovery from cannabis use disorder may help in designing effective and attractive interventions to promote recovery. We report insights from individuals...
Effectiveness Bank Drug Treatment Matrix Row 4: The Talking Road to Recovery
Consolidates the lessons of the last five instalments of the course on drug treatment research, selecting and discussing key studies on psychosocial therapies for drug dependence. Research teaches us to see these as the enactment of the...
A Prospective, Observational Study Investigating the Use of Carbon Monoxide Screening to Identify Maternal Smoking in a Large University Hospital in Ireland
Objectives: This study evaluated breath carbon monoxide (BCO) testing in identifying maternal smokers as well as the difference between disclosers and non-disclosers of smoking status. We also investigated if other extrinsic...
Effectiveness Bank Matrix Cell: Psychosocial Approaches in Drug Treatment Systems
Key studies on the role of psychosocial therapies in treatment systems. Seemingly the only feasible way to do more (recovery) with less (money), mutual aid is a major theme. Examine the evidence for whether systematically promoting...
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