Public health
The intersection of substance use with broader public health concerns.
Narušení role místního veřejného zdraví v USA v prevenci užívání návykových látek na základě populace a reakci na ni během pandemie COVID-19
Mimořádný stav COVID-19 bezprecedentním způsobem otestoval veřejné zdraví, lékařskou a veřejnou bezpečnostní infrastrukturu Spojených států (USA). Jako ústřední bod pro veřejné zdraví ve svých komunitách byla nástupem pandemie...
Guidelines and Recommendations for School-based Prevention
Over the past 25 years, there has been a significant focus on the need to address young people’s health and behaviour as a major and necessary part of the school curriculum.
The objectives for prevention have to include effective...
People, Planet, or Profit: alcohol’s impact on a sustainable future
Alcohol is a discretionary, non-essential product that causes over 200 health conditions.1 The harm that alcohol causes to health, society and the economy is already well-known. However, the damage caused to the environment, sustainable...
Integrated brief interventions for noncommunicable disease risk factors in primary care: the manual
Brief interventions are recognized by WHO as an effective measure to help people quit tobacco, reduce or stop alcohol use and increase physical activity. They can also help to achieve and maintain healthy eating behaviours and...
Strategies to cut down drinking, alcohol consumption, and usual drinking frequency
Relatively little is known about how risky drinkers attempt to moderate their drinking in the absence of specialist support. The broader literature has identified multiple potential strategies that people use to cope with...
Mortality and life-years lost following subsequent physical comorbidity in people with pre-existing substance use disorders: a national registry-based retrospective cohort study of hospitalised individuals in Czechia
Substance use disorders constitute a major global public health problem, attributable largely to their subsequent comorbidity with other health conditions. This study aimed to investigate the risk of all-cause death...
Výzva pro partnery INL DDR - Zajištění kvality
Tento měsíc, 9. listopadu 2022, nabídlo setkání partnerů DDR International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) diskusi o zajištění kvality a zahrnovalo dvě prezentace:
- Zlepšení kvality budov pro systémy úpravy SUD, Victor...
Substance use and homelessness
This research explored changes in the tobacco, alcohol and illicit drug use of people experiencing homelessness in the UK. Particularly, the researchers examined the following questions:
- what are the characteristics of people with...
Cannabis y Adolescencia
Komunitní centrum duševního zdraví Úspěchy v prevenci a léčbě lidí, kteří užívají psychoaktivní látky
ISSUP Peru vás zve k účasti na webináři o komunitních službách prevence a kontroly závislostí.
Webinář se bude konat ve čtvrtek 20. října 2022 v 11:00 (peruánského času)
Tento webinář analyzuje činnost, která podporuje a zviditelňuje...
Problematické užívání opiátů v Irsku, 2015–2019
V této zprávě Rada pro výzkum v oblasti zdraví představuje výsledky studie, jejímž cílem bylo odhadnout prevalenci problematického užívání opiátů v Irsku v letech 2015 až 2019 pomocí čtyřzdrojové metody zachycování a opětovného zachycení . ...
Registrace na evropské drogové zimní a letní školy 2023
EMCDDA a Univerzitní institut v Lisabonu (ISCTE-IUL) dnes s potěšením otevírají registraci na dvě nadcházející společné akce v roce 2023: Evropskou drogovou zimní školu (EDWS) a Evropskou letní drogovou školu (EDSS) (1)(2).
EDWS: 13.–24...
Avoidance, Anxiety Towards Parents, and Self-Acceptance of Adolescents in the System of Higher Secondary Education
A close relationship between a parent and a child and parental acceptance can mediate the appropriate self-acceptance of an adolescent, which is an important variable related to personality and a pillar of emotional health...
General Principles of Contingency Management for Smoking Cessation
Contingency management (CM) is a psychological treatment based on operant conditioning. It consists of providing incentives in exchange for achieving a target behaviour such as abstinence or other treatmentrelated variables (e.g. session...
Effect of Propylene Glycol and Vegetable Glycerine Ratio in E-Liquid on Aerosol Formation: Overview of Relevant Properties
Electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) generate an aerosol by vaporising e-liquids that usually consist of propylene glycol (PG), vegetable glycerine (VG), and other ingredients (water, nicotine, and flavours). The...
Substance Use and the Role of Families. Results of a Cross-Country Study in Pakistan, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine
In many countries families have rarely been involved in addressing treatment and interventions for family members with substance use disorders (SUDs). The aims of this study were to measure the influence of substance use on...
Contribution of SocioDemographic and Structured Leisure Activities’ Characteristics to Adolescents’ Alcohol Use
Leisure can be a context that can promote positive adolescent development, but it can also be a context that contributes to adolescents engaging in risk behaviours.
The aim of this study is to determine the extent...
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention in the Czech Republic: Study Design
Screening and brief interventions (SBI) consist of a variety of activities aimed at people who engage in risky alcohol drinking, but who are not severely alcohol-dependent. Many studies have proved that SBI might serve as a...
Vzorce užívání zahřívaných tabákových výrobků mezi dospělými uživateli tabáku v ČR v roce 2020: online průzkum
Zahřívané tabákové výrobky představují nový fenomén, tzv. nové tabákové výrobky, který se na českém trhu nevyskytuje. Jedná se o elektronická zařízení pro zahřívání tabáku a aerosol. Ačkoli studie o prevalenci užívání zahřívaného...
Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS)-SA: Implementation, Results, and Implications for Policy
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