Public health
The intersection of substance use with broader public health concerns.
Nationally representative surveys on cannabis use lack product details relevant to public health
Many annual, nationally representative US surveys that assess cannabis use do not collect information on product characteristics despite varying health risks and benefits. Capitalizing on a rich dataset of...
Why do guidelines on what is low-risk drinking vary between countries so much?
The evidence of the harms done by alcohol consumption continues to build. However, despite the clear data, safe drinking guidelines vary between countries.
This article, published in the Guardian, explores the different factors that are...
New Psychoactive Substances – Designer Benzodiazepines
Join the VNGOC/ NYNGOC Ad-Hoc Working Group for NGOs in Latin America
Test d’impulsivité à l’adolescence
L’adolescence est l’une des étapes les plus importantes de la vie humaine. Cette période est pleine de stimuli et de types d’influence différents – de la part des parents, des pairs et de la société. Elle est liée à une plus grande...
Online Instructor-Led Pilot Course on Monitoring and Evaluation of Substance Use Prevention Interventions and Policies: Experiences and Perceptions of International Participants
INTRODUCTION: As the prevalence of substance use continues to rise all over the world amidst the ongoing pandemic, substance use prevention professionals are challenged to find alternative ways to enhance their knowledge and competence to...
Nature and Course of Clinician and Self-Rated Depressive Features in Persons with Alcohol Use Disorders: A Preliminary Prospective Study among Men Seeking Treatment
INTRODUCTION: The trajectory and nature of depression in patients with alcohol use disorder as they enter treatment needs to be understood better. This study assessed the nature and course of depressive features among male patients with...
Comportements à risque des adolescents âgés de 10 à 15 ans en Slovaquie. Relation avec le sexe, l’âge et l’indice de masse corporelle
CONTEXTE : Comme base théorique, nous avons utilisé le concept de Jessor du syndrome des comportements à risque à l’adolescence, le concept de soi et le concept d’image corporelle.
OBJECTIF : L’objectif principal de la contribution était...
Pas de bon moment sans drogue : étude qualitative parmi les participants à la vie nocturne à Tbilissi, en Géorgie
INTRODUCTION : Les personnes qui fréquentent les boîtes de nuit et les festivals de musique de danse électronique (EDM) ont tendance à consommer des substances psychoactives, souvent plusieurs substances, dans ce contexte et risquent d...
Étude épidémiologique des idées suicidaires et des comportements suicidaires chez des patients atteints de troubles liés à l’utilisation de substances dans un centre de réadaptation et de traitement de la toxicomanie à Dubaï
Psychological factors and the use of psychoactive substances in relation to sexual orientation: A study on Israeli young adults.
In the context of sexual minorities and the distress they may experience, recent years have witnessed a trend emphasizing the idea that protective factors may curb risk behaviors, while stressing that not all sexual minorities do experience...
Gender, employment, and continuous pandemic as predictors of alcohol and drug consumption during the COVID-19.
This study aims to assess the impacts of the continuous pandemic state, gender and employment status on changes in substance use during the COVID-19 outbreak.
A sample of 828 Israelis participated in an online survey...
Consommation de substances entre le début et la fin de la pandémie de COVID-19 en Israël
Seules quelques études empiriques se sont penchées sur la consommation de substances pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 dans la population générale. La plupart de ces études ont comparé la consommation de substances autodéclarée avant...
Récupération 101
Le rétablissement d’un trouble lié à l’utilisation de substances est défini comme un processus d’amélioration du bien-être et de la santé physiques, psychologiques et sociaux après avoir souffert d’une affection liée à une substance.
Resilience in Leadership: Key Behaviors for Self-Care and Caring for Others
The risk matrix: Drug-related deaths in prisons in England and Wales, 2015–2020
Call for Speakers: side event at the 2023 ECOSOC Partnership Forum
The VNGOC together with NYNGOC and the UNODC Civil Society Unit is organizing an online side event in the margins of the 2023 ECOSOC Partnership Forum on 31 January 2023 at 8.30 AM. The event is titled: The central role of civil society in...
Drug use and associated factors in a North Eastern region of Tanzania: a cross-sectional study
The article ‘Drug use and associated factors in a North Eastern region of Tanzania: a cross-sectional study’ published in the PanAfrican Medical Journal’ on 11/10/2022 by a number of authors coordinated by Dr Harrieth Peter and Castory...
HIV and Substance Use: Reading List
World AIDS Day takes place in December each year. This reading list contains a list of research, publications and resources for practitioners relating to HIV/Aids. We also have a network dedicated to HIV and HCV where you can find a...
Le VIH et les consommateurs de drogues : fiche d’information
La Stratégie mondiale de lutte contre le sida 2021-2026 comporte de nouveaux objectifs audacieux et essentiels sur la réalisation des droits de l’homme, la réduction de la stigmatisation, de la discrimination et de la violence et la...
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