An Investigation into the Lasting Impact of Exposure to Alcohol and Drugs During Foetal Life
It is well recognised that substance use during pregnancy can harm the developing foetus, leading to potential cognitive dysfunction and mental and behavioural difficulties in later life.
Longitudinal studies, which track participants...
Mengevaluasi Dampak Harga Unit Minimum (MUP) pada Konsumsi Berbasis Penjualan di Skotlandia
Peningkatan konsumsi alkohol dan bahaya terkait alkohol di Inggris dalam beberapa dekade terakhir telah berjalan seiring dengan meningkatnya keterjangkauan minuman beralkohol.
Harga Unit Minimum (menetapkan harga minimum di mana satu...
Alcohol, Tobacco & other Drugs in Australia
The consumption of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs is a significant cause of preventable disease and illness in Australia. There is a wide range of data sources available that contribute to our understanding of alcohol, tobacco and...
Prescription Opioid Use among Military Veterans
There is growing concern about levels of opioid misuse amongst military veterans. Conditions, such as PTSD, brain injury, and chronic pain, elevate the risk among this population.
In a recent study, conducted by psychology professor...
Rencana Aksi tentang Minum Remaja dan Minum Episodik Berat (2014–2016)
Pada tanggal 16 September 2014, Uni Eropa (UE) Negara-negara Anggota, yang diwakili oleh Komite Kebijakan dan Tindakan Alkohol Nasional (CNAPA), mengesahkan Rencana Aksi tentang Minum Remaja dan Minum Episodik Berat (Pesta Minum) (2014-2016...
Penggunaan Alkohol, Ketergantungan Alkohol dan Kondisi Kesehatan Mental
Beberapa faktor risiko utama untuk penyakit tidak menular (PTM) telah diidentifikasi, termasuk penggunaan alkohol yang berbahaya.
Setengah populasi dunia minum alkohol, dan penggunaan alkohol berbahaya adalah penyebab utama ketiga...
Harm to Others from Drinking: Patterns in Nine Societies
The adverse impact of alcohol consumption include the negative consequences of drinking on individuals other than the drinkers themselves, including both health and social problems. Alcohol’s harm to others (HTO) is an interactional...
Kematian Terkait Alkohol Meningkat di Amerika Serikat
Ada peningkatan yang stabil dalam kematian yang disebabkan oleh alkohol, menurut sebuah studi oleh para peneliti di National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), bagian dari National Institutes of Health.
Penelitian ini...
National, Regional, and Global Burdens of Disease Linked to Alcohol Use
Alcohol use continues to be one of the leading risk factors for the global burden of disease. This is despite growing awareness of the harm alcohol has the potential to cause and many worldwide initiatives and campaigns to tackle the issue...
Changes in Smoker Characteristics in England
Smoking in England has decreased over the last decade. It is vital to monitor the trends and examine the factors that may be influencing the downward curve, so as to maintain the pattern and make predictions about future smoking rates.
Opioid Atlas
Opiat adalah beberapa obat pereda nyeri yang paling efektif untuk pasien yang menderita kanker dan nyeri terkait operasi.
Sayangnya, obat-obatan di kelas ini juga digunakan sebagai obat penyalahgunaan. Terlepas dari keterjangkauan dan...
Lisbon Addictions: Presentations & Posters
Following their 2019 conference, the Lisbon Addictions team have gathered posters and information about the presentations from the event.
The co-producers have built coherent packages of topical strands, sessions and guided poster tours...
Alcohol and Cancer Risks: A Guide for Health Professionals
Drinking alcohol increases the risk of mouth cancer, pharyngeal (upper throat) cancer, oesophageal (food pipe) cancer, laryngeal (voice box) cancer, breast cancer, bowel cancer and liver cancer.
Having conversations with patients about...
WHO Global Report on Trends in Prevalence of Tobacco Use 2000-2025
Tobacco is the only legal drug that kills many of its users when used exactly as intended by manufacturers. WHO has estimated that tobacco use (smoking and smokeless) is currently responsible for the death of about six million people across...
Vaping Membuat Bakteri Paru-paru Lebih Berbahaya
Meskipun vaping menjadi lebih umum dari tahun ke tahun, para peneliti masih mengungkap konsekuensi jangka pendek dan jangka panjang dari penggunaan e-rokok.
Penelitian terbaru dari University of Belfast telah menyimpulkan bahwa bakteri...
Global Drug Survey 2020
GDS 2020 — GDS believes that the expertise and experience of people who use alcohol and other drugs can be used to inform the creation of better drug policy, whilst helping people use drugs more safely, regardless of the legal status of...
Key Findings from the Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS) Interviews
The Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS) is an ongoing illicit drug monitoring system which has been conducted in all states and territories of Australia since 2000 and forms part of Drug Trends.
This year, we have provided a suite of...
Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System (EDRS)
The Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System (EDRS) is an illicit drug monitoring system which has been conducted in all states and territories of Australia since 2003 and forms part of Drug Trends.
The EDRS consists of annual...
People Who Inject Drugs: A Global Review
Globally, an estimated 15·6 million people aged 15–64 years inject drugs. Younger people who inject drugs are at higher risk of overdose, drug dependence, and blood-borne virus transmission and engaging in risky sexual behaviour.
In a...
Memprioritaskan Tindakan terhadap Alkohol untuk Kesehatan dan Pembangunan
Secara global, konsumsi alkohol diperkirakan menyebabkan lebih dari 10% beban penyakit tidak menular, termasuk sirosis hati, penyakit pernapasan, pankreatitis, kanker (oral dan faring, laring, esofagus, hati, kolorektal), stroke dan...
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