Prevalensi Pesta Minuman Keras di Singapura
Prevalensi pesta minuman keras - konsumsi alkohol dalam jumlah berlebihan dalam waktu singkat - meningkat di seluruh Asia.
Penelitian sebelumnya telah menunjukkan hubungan antara minum berat dan hasil kesehatan mental yang buruk. Namun...
Laporan Status tentang Konsumsi Alkohol, Bahaya, dan Tanggapan Kebijakan di 30 Negara Eropa 2019
Alkohol tetap menjadi salah satu zat psikoaktif yang paling umum digunakan di Eropa. Meskipun menjadi faktor risiko utama untuk beban penyakit, dengan dampak substansial tidak hanya pada peminum individu tetapi juga pada masyarakat luas...
Direktori Data Alkohol
Direktori alkohol ini mengumpulkan data dan informasi tentang konsumsi alkohol dan bahaya terkait di pulau Irlandia.
Sumber daya yang diterbitkan dalam direktori adalah akses terbuka dan berasal dari departemen dan penelitian yang...
Laporan Konferensi Kebijakan Alkohol Eropa ke-8
SHAAP dan Eurocare telah menerbitkan laporan ringkasan yang mencakup diskusi yang terjadi selama Konferensi Kebijakan Alkohol Eropa ke-8 (8EAPC) di Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, Skotlandia, pada 20 dan 21 November 2018.
Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use among Young People in England
The National Health Service has been closely following the smoking, drinking and drug use trends amongst young people in England.
The series of surveys began in 1982. The most recent 2018 survey questioned 13,664 year 7 to 11 pupils...
Adolescent Cigarettes and E-cigarettes Use
E-cigarettes are battery-operated devices that people use to inhale an aerosol, which typically contains nicotine flavourings and other chemicals. They have rapidly become the most favoured form of tobacco among youth in the United States. ...
Smoking: The Irish Situation Factsheet
The Health Research Board National Drugs Library has published a new factsheet that contains information on treatment, prevalence and mortality in Ireland.
The factsheet covers:
- the impact of tobacco use
- the prevalence of smoking...
Alcohol’s Secondhand Harms: Prevalence and Risk Factors
Harmful drinking can have severe physical and psychological consequences for the person consuming alcohol. However, the negative impact does not just stop at the individual level.
Researchers from the US have examined data from two...
Review of Methamphetamine Use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
Research suggests methamphetamine use is higher amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders compared to non-Indigenous Australians.
The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of the key information on the use of...
Penggunaan Tembakau di Afrika Sub-Sahara: Risiko dan Tantangan
Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, besarnya dan lintasan pandemi tembakau telah bergeser dari negara-negara berpenghasilan tinggi ke negara-negara berpenghasilan rendah dan menengah dan begitu juga upaya dan taktik pemasaran industri tembakau.
...Gangguan Penggunaan Alkohol dan Jantung
Dampak negatif dari penggunaan zat berbahaya pada masyarakat kesejahteraan fisik dan mental adalah masalah global.
Sebagai pengakuan atas hal ini, Addiction memulai serangkaian ulasan baru yang ditugaskan, masalah klinis: gangguan...
Long-Term Joint Trajectories of Heroin Use and Treatment Utilisation
There has been a concerning steady increase in heroin-related deaths in countries around the world. Treatment is rarely simple, and it often requires multiple attempts before a person is able to abstain from using or reduce their use.
Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and Offspring Alcohol Use
Despite increasing awareness of the negative consequences of alcohol, rates of consumption among young adults remain high.
Longitudinal studies provide insight into the risk and protective factors in a young persons life that might...
Tobacco Use Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Young Adults
It is recognised that smoking and use of tobacco products among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) young adults is higher compared to their heterosexual and cisgender peers.
Although it is believed that within the...
Drug-related Deaths and Mortality in Europe: Update from the EMCDDA Expert Network
This publication provides an update on drug-related deaths in Europe, presenting and analysing the latest data and trends in drug-induced deaths and overall mortality among high-risk drug users in the European Union and beyond.
It draws...
Psychostimulant Use and the Brain
Over the past decade there has been an increase in the manufacture and use of psychostimulants in countries around the world. Around two-thirds of illicit psychostimulant users are male with average age of use for methamphetamine and...
Prevalensi dan Faktor Risiko untuk Memulai Konsumsi Tembakau dan Alkohol pada Remaja yang Tinggal di Perkotaan dan Pedesaan Ethiopia
Penggunaan alkohol dan tembakau merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang meningkat di negara-negara berpenghasilan rendah atau menengah. Karena tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi tahunan sekitar 10%, Ethiopia adalah target untuk industri...
Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drugs in Australia Web Report
The consumption of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs is a major cause of preventable disease and illness in Australia.
This report consolidates the most recently available information on alcohol, tobacco and other drug use in Australia...
Pemuda Penyalahgunaan Zat dan Gangguan Co-Terjadi
70%–80% remaja dengan gangguan penggunaan zat juga memanifestasikan psikopatologi komorbid, yang dikenal juga sebagai gangguan co-terjadi atau diagnosis ganda. Gangguan yang terjadi bersama adalah adanya satu atau lebih gangguan kejiwaan...
World Drug Report 2019
The World Drug Report aims at improving the understanding of the world drug problem and contributing towards fostering greater international cooperation for countering its impact on health, governance and security.
The World Drug Report...
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