Sumber Daya Pasca Acara: Simposium Penelitian Tahunan NDARC 2019
Simposium Penelitian Tahunan Pusat Penelitian Obat dan Alkohol Nasional (NDARC) 2019 diadakan pada hari Rabu, 16 Oktober 2019 di John Niland Scientia Conference and Events Centre, UNSW Sydney.
NDARC telah mengumpulkan pilihan video dan...
EU Drug Markets Report 2019
The EU Drug Markets Report 2019 is the third comprehensive overview of illicit drug markets in the European Union by the EMCDDA and Europol.
The analysis presented in the report examines topics such as the links between drugs and other...
Perpustakaan Obat Nasional: Lembar Fakta Situasi Irlandia
Dewan Penelitian Kesehatan telah memperbarui lembar fakta mereka yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan dan pengobatan narkoba di Irlandia.
Peluncuran Klaster Penelitian 'Ketenangan, Pantang & Moderasi'
Dengan penurunan baru-baru ini dalam tingkat minum di seluruh bagian dunia termasuk Eropa dan Australia - khususnya di kalangan orang muda - dan munculnya gerakan 'ketenangan positif', 'bulan-bulan kering' dan komunitas online, penelitian...
Menyikapi Penggunaan Stimulan Global: Tantangan dan Peluang
Obat stimulan meningkatkan aktivitas sistem saraf pusat yang menghasilkan perasaan euforia, peningkatan kepercayaan diri, kemampuan bersosialisasi, energi, dan terjaga.
Dalam sebuah makalah baru-baru ini, yang diterbitkan sebagai bagian...
Evidence in Action: CCSA Annual Report, 2018-2019
In 2018–2019, CCSA worked with partners across Canada and internationally to gather and share the newest, best practices and advice on substance use to drive action where it matters for Canadians — tackling stigma, informing cannabis policy...
Drug Use Series from the Lancet Journals
Executive Summary
The drug use landscape is dynamic and changing. Changes in public attitudes and laws towards drug use have occurred in an increasing number of countries.
Global drug production and consumption are increasing as are...
Implementing the European Action Plan on Alcohol
Despite efforts to reduce concerning levels of alcohol consumption in Europe through adopting the WHO European Action Plan on Alcohol (EAPA), the region continues to have the highest prevalence of drinkers, heavy episodic drinking, alcohol...
What is the Link Between Unemployment and Alcohol Use?
Youth unemployment has remained stable at a high-level in many countries over the past several decades.
Over the same period, evidence has emerged which suggests that unemployment can negatively affect an individual’s mental and physical...
Modelling the Impact of Alcohol Duty Policies Since 2012 in England & Scotland
In 2008 the UK introduced a ‘duty escalator’ which meant alcohol duties (government tax collected by HM Customs and Excise) would rise by 2% above inflation each year until 2012. However, since then the preceding governments have abolished...
Addiction in Bhutan
Bhutan is recognised for its development philosophy of Gross National Happiness, which places the well-being of people above gross domestic product. However, over the last few years, the number of patients with mental disorder seeking help...
CLOUD - The Curated Library about Opioid Use for Decision-makers
In partnership with the National Governors’ Association and Milbank Memorial Fund, the Center for Evidence-based Policy has created CLOUD: Curated Library about Opioid Use for Decision-makers.
CLOUD's mission is to curate high quality...
Konsumsi alkohol Rusia
Dalam hal konsumsi alkohol global, Rusia secara konsisten dianggap sebagai salah satu negara dengan rekam jejak konsumsi alkohol berat tertinggi.
Namun, angka terbaru telah menemukan konsumsi alkohol Rusia telah menurun sebesar 43% dari...
European Prevention Curriculum
This week the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) has released the European Prevention Curriculum - a handbook designed for decision, opinion and policy makers in science-based prevention of substance use. The...
Prevention of Drug-Related Deaths
Opioids are a class of drugs that act on the nervous system to produce feelings of pleasure and pain relief. Opioids have a high potential for causing addiction in some people and can cause life-threatening health problems, including the...
Statistik Alkohol Inggris
Alcohol Change UK telah mengumpulkan statistik terkait konsumsi alkohol di Inggris.
Laporan ini memberikan informasi tentang:
- Alkohol di Inggris
- Alkohol dan Kesehatan
- Pengobatan
- Kejahatan
- Perilaku Minum
- Anak Muda
SPR 2020 Call for Papers Now Open!
This year's conference theme, Why Context Matters: Towards a Place-Based Prevention Science, challenges prevention scientists to explicitly recognize the central role that geographical concepts such as location, distance, distribution...
Call for Abstracts - NIDA International SPR Poster Session
The International Program and the Division of Epidemiology, Services and Prevention Research of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) will host the 13th Annual NIDA International SPR Poster Session at the SPR 28th Annual Meeting in...
The Drug Policy Metrics Map
The CDPE has conducted an international cross-comparison of illegal drug policies to create an online tool – the Drug Policy Metrics Map.
The map demonstrates the alignment and gaps between the metrics that countries use to assess the...
Penggunaan Ganja di Kalangan Remaja: Pola Risiko, Implikasi dan Kemungkinan Variabel Penjelasan
Menurut Survei Spanyol tentang Penggunaan Narkoba di Sekolah Menengah (ESTUDES), ganja tetap menjadi zat ilegal yang paling banyak digunakan di kalangan remaja Spanyol, dengan sekitar 3 dari 10 siswa melaporkan penggunaan seumur hidup.
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