Applying interventions designed to reduce and manage the symptoms of substance use disorders.
Building resilience in survivors of sexual exploitation: The role of children in activities implemented by NGOs in Uganda
Children are increasingly affected by sexual exploitation (SEC), and the subsequent hardships arising out threaten their lives. Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of trauma or other significant sources of...
Asosiasi gangguan mental umum dengan penggunaan alkohol pada populasi umum orang dewasa
Latar Belakang dan Tujuan
Penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan alkohol dan gangguan mental umum terjadi bersamaan; Namun, sedikit yang diketahui tentang bagaimana prevalensi global penggunaan alkohol dibandingkan di...
Hasil Kelahiran Neonatus yang Terpapar Ganja di Utero: Tinjauan Sistematis dan Meta-analisis
Sementara beberapa penelitian telah menemukan hubungan antara penggunaan ganja dan hasil neonatal yang merugikan, hasilnya belum konsisten di semua percobaan.
Tujuan Untuk menilai data yang tersedia tentang hasil neonatal...
Intentions and Attempts to Quit Smoking Among Sexual Minoritized Adult Smokers After Exposure to the Tips From Former Smokers Campaign
Importance Significant disparities exist in smoking behaviors by sexual minority status in the US.
Objective To examine potential differences in the associations between exposure to the Tips From Former Smokers (Tips)...
Reducing the harm from alcohol by regulating cross-border alcohol marketing, advertising and promotion
This comprehensive report details the full extent of the way that alcohol is being marketed across national borders – often by digital means – and often regardless of the social, economic or cultural environment in receiving countries.
Applied Prevention Science International Celebrate Prevention Week
May the 8th-14th is National Prevention Week!
Every day APSI will be highlighting one of their Prevention Nuggets, Prevention Talks and Prevention Portraits, all focused on one specific prevention theme.
Head on over to APSI website t...
Implementing Adolescent SBIRT
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) is an evidence-based approach to early intervention of substance use.
This mixed-methods evaluation assessed the implementation of an adolescent SBIRT change package across...
Words Matter Language Guide
The need to change our language in relation to people who use drugs has become an increasing topic of discussion, but there is still a long way to go. People who use drugs are highly diverse and their relationship with drug use takes many...
Infeksi bakteri parah pada orang yang menyuntikkan obat: Peran kerusakan jaringan terkait injeksi
Dalam konteks epidemi penggunaan obat injeksi AS saat ini, strategi pengurangan bahaya kesehatan masyarakat yang ditargetkan secara tradisional berfokus pada pencegahan overdosis dan mengurangi penularan infeksi virus...
Assessing the feasibility, usability and acceptability of the MySafeRx platform among individuals in outpatient buprenorphine treatment: Lessons learned from a pilot randomized controlled trial
Increasing buprenorphine/naloxone (B/N) access for opioid use disorder (OUD) is essential yet ensuring adherence and preventing diversion remains challenging. This study examines the feasibility, usability, and...
Penjara dan narkoba: respons kesehatan dan sosial
Miniguide ini adalah salah satu dari set yang lebih besar, yang bersama-sama terdiri dari respons kesehatan dan sosial terhadap masalah narkoba: panduan Eropa. Ini memberikan gambaran umum tentang apa yang harus dipertimbangkan ketika...
Peran perawat kecanduan spesialis dalam perawatan alkohol
Sebuah studi baru-baru ini telah menemukan bahwa menanamkan Perawat Kecanduan spesialis dalam tim praktik umum dapat membantu mengatasi masalah alkohol di daerah yang kekurangan.
Dalam blog ini, penulis utama Dr Andrea Mohan meneliti...
Gedung Putih Merilis Strategi Pengendalian Obat Nasional 2022 yang Menguraikan Jalan Komprehensif ke Depan untuk Mengatasi Kecanduan dan Epidemi Overdosis
Hari ini, Presiden Joe Biden mengirimkan Strategi Pengendalian Obat Nasional perdana pemerintahannya ke Kongres pada saat overdosis obat telah memakan korban yang memilukan, merenggut 106.854 nyawa dalam periode 12 bulan terakhir. Strategi ...
Sekolah dan obat-obatan: respons kesehatan dan sosial
UNODC Training for Albanian Policymakers on the Nature, Prevention, Treatment and Care of Drug Use Disorders
UNODC organized a training for 19 Albanian policymakers on the Nature, Prevention, and Treatment of Drug Use Disorders from 12-14 April 2022 in Tirana, Albania. Participants from the Ministries of Health and Social Protection, Education...
Call for Master Trainers for the Case Care Management Project
Brief Description:
The Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (ES-CICAD) is seeking expressions of interest from experts in the field of alternatives to incarceration and social integration to be...
Kenya introduces tax on alcohol advertising
A 15% tax on fees charged by television stations, print media, billboards, and radio stations for advertisements of alcohol products, gaming, and gambling has been proposed in the 2022/23 budget.
Here you can read the news article...
Kemajuan dalam Kecanduan dan Pemulihan
Kemajuan dalam Kecanduan & Pemulihan, publikasi resmi NAADAC, adalah majalah digital triwulanan yang berfokus pada penyediaan informasi yang berguna, inovatif dan tepat waktu tentang tren dan praktik terbaik dalam profesi yang bermanfaat...
Laporan Kumpul-Kumpul Pemulihan DAM 2022
National Round Table Discussion on application of new methods and tools of drug use disorders diagnostics and treatment in Uzbekistan
On 25 March 2022 the UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia held a National Round Table Discussion on application of new methods and tools of drug use disorders’ diagnostics and treatment in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The meeting was attended by...
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