Applying interventions designed to reduce and manage the symptoms of substance use disorders.
Pengalaman masa kanak-kanak yang merugikan dan hasil terkait di antara orang dewasa yang mengalami tunawisma
Orang-orang yang tunawisma mengalami tantangan fisik, mental, dan sosial yang signifikan yang terkait dengan kesehatan dan fungsi yang buruk. Tingkat masalah penggunaan zat, kesulitan kesehatan mental, cedera dan penyakit kronis secara...
Variasi risiko dari merokok antara negara berpenghasilan tinggi, berpenghasilan menengah, dan berpenghasilan rendah
Alkohol dan Lingkungan
Institute of Alcohol Studies menyajikan Seminar Dua dalam seri empat bagiannya tentang alkohol dan keberlanjutan. Seminar Dua membahas dampak produksi, pengemasan, dan distribusi alkohol terhadap lingkungan lokal dan global, dan apa yang...
Komitmen keberlanjutan industri alkohol
Institute of Alcohol Studies menyajikan Seminar Tiga dalam seri empat bagiannya tentang alkohol dan keberlanjutan.
Seminar Tiga mengeksplorasi komitmen sukarela tentang keberlanjutan yang dibuat oleh produsen alkohol, memeriksa janji...
Pemasaran dan Konsumsi Minuman Tanpa Alkohol dan Rendah alkohol di Inggris
Dengan meningkatnya popularitas produk NoLo di kalangan produsen dan pelanggan, sebuah laporan baru melihat bagaimana minuman ini dipasarkan di Inggris dan bagaimana dan mengapa konsumen meminumnya.
Menggunakan wawancara dengan peminum...
EMCDDA meluncurkan platform e-learning PLATO dan komunitas praktik virtual
PLATO, platform terintegrasi multibahasa, dirancang untuk memfasilitasi pelatihan online, e-learning, dan diskusi melalui komunitas praktik virtual (VCP).
Saat ini, PLATO menyelenggarakan European Prevention Curriculum (EUPC), sebuah...
Bawa Pulang Naloxone dan Pencegahan Kematian akibat Overdosis Heroin
Naloxone adalah obat yang dapat membalikkan efek obat opioid seperti heroin, metadon, opium, kodein, morfin dan buprenorfin, dan merupakan bantuan penting dalam mencegah kematian terkait obat.
Kematian overdosis sering disaksikan dan...
Barriers to Support for People Experiencing Problem Substance Use and Homelessness
Evidence-based principles for effective drug demand reduction: applying theory to practice
New Trends in Education and Training Programs in Addictions at the Higher Education and University Levels
A broad range of professionals, training opportunities, and regional differences exist in the addiction study field worldwide. This educational variety poses a challenge in proposing a precise classification of study programs...
The Master’s in Drug Dependence at the University of Barcelona: Historical Perspective and Future Challenges
The two-year, multidisciplinary Master’s in Drug Dependence (MDD) at the University of Barcelona was created in 1986, after some years of offering shorter seminars. It was a response to the heroin crisis of the 80s and 90s and...
Implementing and Evaluating the UPC to Promote Capacity Building among Drug Demand Reduction Practitioners in Nigeria: Lessons Learned and Future Directions
There has been a growing need to improve the knowledge and skills of addiction practitioners worldwide. The development of the Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) is one effort to address these needs. This paper is the first...
Developing Curriculum for the Training of Non-Specialist in Addiction Studies in Nigerian Universities: The Journey of Nigerian ICUDDR Team
This article describes the need to develop a workforce to address the public health burden of drug use in Nigeria. Central to workforce development is the development and implementation of a substance use curriculum.
...Supporting Emergency Remote Teaching Due to Coronavirus Pandemic: Problem Solving Group at ICUDDR
The COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging for all and has had a particular effect on university-level educators. Although the use of technologies in education is recognised as critical in developing transversal skills and...
Training Needs Assessment of Specialists Who Provide Care to People with Substance Use Disorders in Ukraine
In Ukraine, substance use disorders (SUDs) and rates of HIV infection are growing, the number of specialists does not meet country’s addiction treatment demands, and the quality of the care is often insufficient and does not...
Maintaining the Provision for Professional Development in the COVID Era: Three Practical Examples
ISSUP participated in the European Society of Prevention Research (EUSPR) 2021 Conference which took place online from the 29th of September to the 1st of October by presenting an oral poster that focussed on three practical examples of...
Consequences of Lockdown and the COVID-19 Pandemic for a Selected Sport – Comparative Study
In December 2019, severe viral pneumonia caused by the new beta coronavirus appeared in China. It spread rapidly around the world and affected it greatly. In order to stop the global COVID-19 pandemic, the world was forced to...
Alcohol Consumption from a Social and Economic Perspective: A Review Study
Alcohol abuse and addiction are a widespread problem that leads to a serious collision and pose a serious threat to individuals as well as to society as a whole. In addition to the health aspect of alcohol consumption, social...
The Adverse Childhood Experiences Concept (ACE) in a Research Sample of Imprisoned Children of Addicted Parents
The ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) concept is based on the results of an American population-based cohort study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine in 1998. ACE is classified into three groups...
Comprehensive Evaluation of the Online Lifelong Education Course Prevention and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders for Physicians in the Czech Republic: Study Protocol
The course Prevention of Harmful Substance Use and Addiction Treatment is an integral and mandatory part of postgraduate medical education in the Czech Republic. Its aim is to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and...
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