Public health
The intersection of substance use with broader public health concerns.
Studi: Perawatan gabungan adalah yang paling efektif untuk berhenti merokok
Ini adalah studi yang dipimpin oleh University of Bristol, dan diterbitkan dalam Addiction Journal. Ini didanai oleh National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), mitra penelitian NHS, kesehatan masyarakat dan perawatan sosial.
Dampak Pandemi COVID-19 terhadap Perubahan Perilaku dan Preferensi dalam Kaitannya dengan Zat Androgenik anabolik dan Steroid yang Dipilih: Sebuah Studi Penelitian
LATAR BELAKANG: Pada Desember 2019, sindrom pernapasan akut parah yang disebabkan oleh coronavirus 2 (SARS- CoV-2 atau COVID-19) pecah di China. Virus ini menyebar dengan cepat di seluruh negeri dan di seluruh dunia. Dalam upaya untuk...
Biographic Burden and Initiation into the Use of Amphetamine-Type Stimulants from the Perspective of Users: The Qualitative Arm of the ATTUNE Research Study in the Czech Republic
BACKGROUND: The Czech Republic has a long tradition of methamphetamine use. Less is known about the circumstances of initiation into its use at the level of individual users. The aim of the research was to analyse the biographic burden...
Tren pengeluaran perawatan kesehatan dan pemanfaatan sumber daya di antara populasi yang representatif secara nasional dengan opioid di Amerika Serikat: sebuah studi cross-sectional serial, 2008 hingga 2017
Salah satu masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang paling serius dalam beberapa dekade terakhir adalah epidemi opioid di Amerika Serikat (AS). Lebih dari 9,9 juta orang Amerika berusia 12 tahun ke atas menyalahgunakan obat penghilang rasa sakit...
Health and social responses to drug problems: a European guide 2021
The Health and social responses to drug problems: a European guide 2021 was developed to support practitioners and policymakers in tackling the negative consequences of drug use.
The guide is composed of four sets of miniguides that look...
Cannabis dan Teori Obat Gateway: Korelasi atau Sebab-akibat – Di mana Titik Bukti?
Cannabis dan Teori Obat Gateway: Korelasi atau Sebab-akibat – Di mana Titik Bukti? (Dalgarno Institute Research Report, Oktober 2021)
Laporan Penelitian ini terlihat sebagai perdebatan yang pernah berosilasi di sekitar Cannabis dan 'Gateway...
Dampak penggunaan zat bermasalah anggota keluarga dewasa pada kehidupan keluarga
Penggunaan zat yang bermasalah dapat menjadi penyebab stres yang signifikan bagi anggota keluarga dari orang yang menggunakan zat tersebut. Ulasan ini, yang diterbitkan dalam jurnal Drug: Education, Prevention and Policy, meneliti...
Edit Kehamilan
The Society for the Study on Addiction (SSA) Pregnancy Edit adalah serangkaian artikel tentang bahaya terkait alkohol pada kehamilan, yang diterbitkan di situs web Society for the Study of Addiction pada bulan September 2021.
Topik yang...
Assessing the Prevalence of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in the UK
In a new study, led by a team at the University of Salford, evidence has been found to suggest fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a significant issue among the population, likely to be as common as autism, despite being rarely...
Are former heavy drinkers in the UK less likely to identify as being in recovery compared to those in the USA? A pilot test
The Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) movement created the term "in recovery" to express the continuing requirement for vigilance in order to sustain sobriety (which includes abstinence from alcohol intake) and avoid a return to dangerous drinking...
Research led by people who use drugs: centering the expertise of lived experience
Despite a long history of successful, community-led harm reduction programs and rising health inequalities suffered by PWUD, research collaborations between PWUD and researchers remain generally ignored. PWUDs are crucial in identifying...
Minority Fellowship Program
The NBCC Foundation and NAADAC are pleased to announce the 2022 application period for the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) Minority Fellowship Program for Addictions Counselors (MFP-AC) is now open. This program is made...
Psychosocial Interventions to Improve Psychological, Social and Physical Wellbeing in Family Members Affected by an Adult Relative’s Substance Use: A Systematic Search and Review of the Evidence
The use of alcohol and drugs is a significant public health concern and is prevalent in families. Over 100 million people are thought to be affected by a close relative's substance use, with many experiencing negative health and social...
Tujuan wisata ganja: Risiko bagi pelancong yang rentan dengan gangguan mental yang sudah ada sebelumnya
Zat sebagai Pengobatan Sendiri untuk Kecemasan Tes Kognitif di Kalangan Mahasiswa Sarjana
Kebijakan narkoba pengurangan bahaya di Israel: apa yang telah dicapai dan apa yang masih perlu dilakukan?
HIV and People Who Use Drugs Factsheet
The 2021-2026 Global AIDS Strategy has bold and critical new targets on realizing human rights, reducing stigma, discrimination, and violence, and removing harmful punitive laws as a pathway to ending inequalities and ultimately ending AIDS...
Pembaruan Pedoman Minum Alkohol Berisiko Rendah Kanada: Ringkasan Temuan dari Konsultasi Publik
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) telah merilis Memperbarui Pedoman Minum Alkohol Berisiko Rendah Kanada: Ringkasan Temuan dari Konsultasi Publik. Laporan ini menandai fase penting dalam proses memperbarui Pedoman Minum...
Further Enhancing the Implementation of Quality Standards in Drug Demand Reduction Across Europe
The EU Strategy 2021-2025 puts further emphasis on QS and evidence-based interventions.
Yet, the extent and ways in which QS are implemented in daily practices of drug prevention, treatment and harm reduction in the EU varies...
Synthetic cannabinoids in Europe – a review
This report provides a technical review of the current body of knowledge regarding synthetic cannabinoids that are monitored by the the EU Early Warning System.
The aim of this report is to strengthen situational awareness of synthetic...
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