Public health
The intersection of substance use with broader public health concerns.
Penggunaan Alkohol di Kalangan Mahasiswa Nigeria
Menurut OrganisasiKesehatan Dunia , Nigeria menempati urutan kedua dalam daftar negara-negara Afrika untuk minum episodik berat.
Meskipun mengenai angka, gambar kurang jelas ketika menganalisis populasi tertentu, seperti mahasiswa.
Alkohol: Masalah Kesehatan Masyarakat
Journal of Public Health telah mengumpulkan pilihan makalah yang menyoroti beberapa penelitian terkait alkohol yang paling banyak dikutip yang diterbitkan dalam Journal of Public Health dalam beberapa tahun terakhir.
Pengumpulan dimulai...
Exploring International Approaches to Tackling Localised HIV Outbreaks
This webinar seeks to highlight and share international perspectives on tackling local HIV outbreaks.
Seri Webinar Tembakau: Penggunaan Tembakau - Kesenangan atau Bahaya?
Institute of Alcohol Studies: Alcohol Knowledge Centre
The IAS Alcohol Knowledge Centre is home to an extensive library of information – infographics, factsheets and a host of related resources – about alcohol.
Topics covered:
- Alcohol across society
- Availability
- Consumption
- Health ...
Alternatives to Imprisonment for Drug Users
Why harmful drinkers reject change coping & cognition in maintaining heavy drinking
Public Health England identifies approximately 600,000 dependent drinkers as the target treatment population. However, they identify an additional 1.3 million ‘harmful’ drinkers who do not have serious dependency but are...
The Role of Public Organisations in Providing Assistance to Users of Psychoactive Substances: The Experience of Ukraine
Webinar Pengalaman Masa Kecil yang Merugikan (ACEs)
Presentasi dari Dr Sharon Lambert, School of Applied Psychology, UCC mengeksplorasi penilaian dan dampak dari Adverse Childhood Experiences dengan PSI Early Graduate Group.
Program Alkohol Terkelola
Dr Hannah Carver (University of Stirling) menyajikan penelitian tentang Program Alkohol Terkelola: "Menyelidiki perlunya pengurangan bahaya alkohol dan Program Alkohol Terkelola untuk orang-orang yang mengalami tunawisma dan gangguan...
Men’s Alcohol Consumption When Becoming a Father
Watch the video of the research presentation “Exploring men’s alcohol consumption in the context of becoming a father: A scoping review”, by Dr Elena Dimova.
Perspektif Pengemudi Minuman Berulang di Inggris
Dr Andrea Mohan (University of Dundee) mempresentasikan: "Apa yang bisa kita pelajari dari perspektif pengemudi minuman berulang? Temuan dari studi kualitatif".
Smoking Cessation for Improving Mental Health- Cochrane Review
People with mental health issues are more likely to smoke compared to the general population. They are also more likely to experience severe withdrawals and are less responsive to treatment. Indeed, some people believe that quitting smoking...
Pendekatan Internasional untuk Reformasi Hukum Narkoba
Makalah ini mengulas bukti internasional tentang pendekatan reformasi hukum narkoba, dengan fokus pada studi kasus dari Australia, Kanada, Denmark, Portugal dan Belanda.
Ini berusaha untuk mendukung pengembangan berkelanjutan pendekatan...
Sebuah studi acak nasional AS untuk memandu cara terbaik untuk mengurangi stigma ketika menggambarkan gangguan terkait obat dalam praktik dan kebijakan
National Release of 'Listen First' in Slovenia
‘Listen First’ and ‘The Science of Care’ materials have been translated into Slovenian and are being released nationally in Slovenia by the Institute for Research and Development (UTRIP) through its ‘Prevention Platform’ programme, which is...
VNGOC Asia Pacific ad hoc working group - discussing the Asia-Pacific Civil Society Common Position
In the webinar on 23rd February 2021 the VNGOC Asia-Pacific ad-hoc Working Group kick-started the discussions on a possible Asia-Pacific Civl Society Common Position. More than 70 people from the region participated.
You can access the...
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Daftar Bacaan
Pengalaman masa kecil yang merugikan adalah keadaan traumatis atau peristiwa yang terjadi selama masa kanak-kanak. Penelitian yang telah meneliti ACEes telah menunjukkan hubungan antara peristiwa traumatis ini di masa kanak-kanak dan...
Representation of Adverse Childhood Experiences Linked with Lower Public Stigma Towards People Who Use Drugs
Public stigma towards people who use substances can impact people seeking support and treatment outcomes. It can also influence how public health policy is shaped and accepted.
Researchers have been interested in understanding how people...
Why don't they just stop using drugs then?
Why don't they just stop using drugs then? Making the case for trauma and ACE informed substance use services.
Andrew has developed trauma and ACE informed approaches in North Wales and other parts of the UK and Ireland during the last...
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