Public health
The intersection of substance use with broader public health concerns.
SSA Annual Conference 2019 Posters
The Society for the Study of Addiction has uploaded the posters that researchers and students presented at the SSA Annual Conference 2019.
Poster categories:
- Research, service evaluation and audit
- Student-led Research
Pengantar Pengalaman Masa Kecil yang Merugikan - Slideshow
Pengalaman Masa Kecil yang Merugikan (ACE) adalah peristiwa atau situasi yang sangat menegangkan yang terjadi selama masa kanak-kanak dan / atau remaja.
Bukti menunjukkan hubungan yang kuat antara ACE dan berbagai masalah kesehatan dan...
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)- Evidence Briefing
There is a pressing need to protect the wellbeing of children growing up within our society.
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are highly stressful events or situations that happen during childhood and/or adolescence.
There is...
Jersey and Guernsey Sign up to WHO's Tobacco Control
A public health treaty set up to cut tobacco-related diseases and deaths has been extended to Jersey and Guernsey by the UK.
The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) is the distinguished global tobacco control...
Helping to Support and Transform the Lives of People Affected by Alcohol
Drinking to excess takes a huge toll on individuals, families, communities and society as a whole.
Many adult problem drug users have long histories of substance misuse which often starts before the age of 18.
Providing well-funded...
Introduction of Minimum Unit Price for Alcohol approved in Welsh Assembly Vote
The Welsh Government will introduce a minimum unit price for alcohol of 50p from 2 March 2020, with regulations today being approved by the National Assembly for Wales.
The new law supports the Welsh Government’s work to address harmful...
Peluncuran Klaster Penelitian 'Ketenangan, Pantang & Moderasi'
Dengan penurunan baru-baru ini dalam tingkat minum di seluruh bagian dunia termasuk Eropa dan Australia - khususnya di kalangan orang muda - dan munculnya gerakan 'ketenangan positif', 'bulan-bulan kering' dan komunitas online, penelitian...
First Results of Regulating Alcohol Marketing on Social Media in Finland
Social media is being used by the alcohol industry as a platform to promote their products.
This has raised concerns about adolescents’ exposure to alcohol advertising, as social media is extensively used by young people.
Through the...
Rights, Respect and Recovery: Action Plan
In 2018, the Scottish Government released the Rights, Respect and Recovery: Scotland's Alcohol and Drug Treatment Strategy.
Scotland's first drugs strategy for a decade focuses on treating the issue as a public health concern rather than...
New Regulations to Stop Alcohol Being Advertised Around Children Introduced in Ireland
Ireland has introduced new legislation to reduce child exposure to alcohol advertisements and products.
Alcohol advertising in or on public transport, at public transport stations, and within 200 metres of a school, creche, or local...
UNODC-WHO Joint Programme on Drug Dependence Treatment and Care
Both the WHO and UNODC strive to address the complex issues presented by drug use and dependence.
The vision: The effective and humane treatment for all people with drug use disorders. Nothing less than would be expected for any other...
Menyikapi Penggunaan Stimulan Global: Tantangan dan Peluang
Obat stimulan meningkatkan aktivitas sistem saraf pusat yang menghasilkan perasaan euforia, peningkatan kepercayaan diri, kemampuan bersosialisasi, energi, dan terjaga.
Dalam sebuah makalah baru-baru ini, yang diterbitkan sebagai bagian...
One in Three: Adfam’s Manifesto for 2020 and beyond
Following the concerning findings that one in three adults in Great Britain have been negatively affected by the substance use of someone we know, Adfam has launched their 2020 manifesto.
Adfam's five asks are:
- Make funding available...
Position of the European Society for Prevention Research on Ineffective and Potentially Harmful Approaches in Substance Use Prevention
"Prevention methods using shock tactics are proven to be ineffective. Nevertheless, strategies based on predominantly providing information about the dangers of substance use are widespread in Europe. The European Society for Prevention...
UK Parents' Drinking Negatively Affects Over a Third of Children
The physical and psychological harm caused by heavy alcohol consumption to the individual drinking is often clear. What is often less obvious, is the damage an individuals alcohol consumption can have to the people around them.
A recent...
Industri Alkohol di Prancis Menentang Januari Kering
Industri alkohol di Prancis telah memulai protes mereka terhadap kampanye Januari kering yang diusulkan oleh Menteri Kesehatan Prancis Dr Agnès Buzyn.
Kampanye ini dirancang untuk mendorong orang menjauhkan diri dari alkohol selama satu...
Evidence in Action: CCSA Annual Report, 2018-2019
In 2018–2019, CCSA worked with partners across Canada and internationally to gather and share the newest, best practices and advice on substance use to drive action where it matters for Canadians — tackling stigma, informing cannabis policy...
Penting Telepsikiatri
Dipresentasikan oleh: Northeast Telehealth Resource Center Presenter: Don Hilty, MD, USC Keck School of Medicine dan Kaweah Delta Medical Center Terry Rabinowitz, MD, DDS, University of Vermont College of Medicine dan University of Vermont...
International Drug Abuse Research Training Opportunities
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has put together a list of research and training opportunities for available for the U.S. and International scientists.
Find out more about the different opportunities below.
Drug Use Series from the Lancet Journals
Executive Summary
The drug use landscape is dynamic and changing. Changes in public attitudes and laws towards drug use have occurred in an increasing number of countries.
Global drug production and consumption are increasing as are...
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