Public health
The intersection of substance use with broader public health concerns.
Perangkat Standar Kualitas Pencegahan Obat Eropa
Si Standar Kualitas Pencegahan Obat Eropa telah ditetapkan untuk menyediakan seperangkat kriteria komprehensif untuk membantu pengguna mempelajari cara mengenali kegiatan pencegahan 'berkualitas tinggi', menguraikan aspek struktural dan...
Recovery Month 2019
Every September the Recovery Month Campaign aims to increase awareness and understanding of mental and substance use disorders and celebrate the people who recover.
Over the years, Recovery Month has promoted and supported new evidence...
Tembakau dan Lingkungan
Siklus hidup rokok mengambil korban berat pada lingkungan dari menanam tanaman tembakau untuk pembuangan puntung dan kemasan.
Meskipun dampak ekologis tembakau dibayangi oleh efek buruknya terhadap kesehatan manusia, namun mereka masih...
Prevention of Drug-Related Deaths
Opioids are a class of drugs that act on the nervous system to produce feelings of pleasure and pain relief. Opioids have a high potential for causing addiction in some people and can cause life-threatening health problems, including the...
Penggunaan Pengobatan Yang Dibantu Obat untuk Gangguan Penggunaan Opioid dalam Pengaturan Peradilan Pidana
Keberhasilan pengobatan dan pemulihan individu dengan gangguan penggunaan opioid (OUD) dapat bervariasi. Paling sering, kombinasi faktor menambah kompleksitas untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas layanan dan intervensi.
Di seluruh dunia...
Statistik Alkohol Inggris
Alcohol Change UK telah mengumpulkan statistik terkait konsumsi alkohol di Inggris.
Laporan ini memberikan informasi tentang:
- Alkohol di Inggris
- Alkohol dan Kesehatan
- Pengobatan
- Kejahatan
- Perilaku Minum
- Anak Muda
Classification of Drugs: When Science Was Left Behind
In Classification of Drugs: when science was left behind, the Global Commission on Drug Policy explains how the historical classification of psychoactive substances has contributed to the "world drug problem".
It is the first-ever...
EDPQS Toolkit 2: Self-Assessment & Reflection
The European Drug Prevention Quality Standards have been established to provide a comprehensive set of criteria to help users learn how to recognise 'high quality' prevention activities, outline the necessary structurally and procedural...
EDPQS Toolkit 1: Funding & Decision-Making
The European Drug Prevention Quality Standards have been established to provide a comprehensive set of criteria to help users learn how to recognise 'high quality' prevention activities, outline the necessary structurally and procedural...
SPR 2020 Call for Papers Now Open!
This year's conference theme, Why Context Matters: Towards a Place-Based Prevention Science, challenges prevention scientists to explicitly recognize the central role that geographical concepts such as location, distance, distribution...
Call for Abstracts - NIDA International SPR Poster Session
The International Program and the Division of Epidemiology, Services and Prevention Research of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) will host the 13th Annual NIDA International SPR Poster Session at the SPR 28th Annual Meeting in...
SPYM Newsletter
The latest SPYM newsletter provides an account of the visit from Deputy Secretaries and Directors, Government of India. It also discusses the ways art can be used therapeutically with children, new teacher training programmes and outreach...
The Drug Policy Metrics Map
The CDPE has conducted an international cross-comparison of illegal drug policies to create an online tool – the Drug Policy Metrics Map.
The map demonstrates the alignment and gaps between the metrics that countries use to assess the...
Penggunaan Ganja di Kalangan Remaja: Pola Risiko, Implikasi dan Kemungkinan Variabel Penjelasan
Menurut Survei Spanyol tentang Penggunaan Narkoba di Sekolah Menengah (ESTUDES), ganja tetap menjadi zat ilegal yang paling banyak digunakan di kalangan remaja Spanyol, dengan sekitar 3 dari 10 siswa melaporkan penggunaan seumur hidup.
...Hari Kesadaran Gangguan Spektrum Alkohol Janin
Hari Kesadaran Gangguan Spektrum Alkohol Janin (FASD) berasal dari Kanada dengan Hari FASD pertama berlangsung pada 9 September 1999.
Sejak itu kampanye ini telah mengumpulkan pengakuan global dengan banyak negara sekarang mengambil...
Focus on Youth Football and Alcohol
Focus on Youth Football and Alcohol is a joint initiative aiming to reduce underage drinking and heavy episodic drinking among young people, as both strongly affect the health and welfare of Europe’s population.
The evidence highlights...
Prevalensi Pesta Minuman Keras di Singapura
Prevalensi pesta minuman keras - konsumsi alkohol dalam jumlah berlebihan dalam waktu singkat - meningkat di seluruh Asia.
Penelitian sebelumnya telah menunjukkan hubungan antara minum berat dan hasil kesehatan mental yang buruk. Namun...
Taking a Stand: An Untapped Strategy to Reduce Waterpipe Smoking in Adolescents
Waterpipe smoking (otherwise known as shisha, hookah, narghile, goza, and hubble bubble ) is an increasing global health concern with evidence suggesting particularly high prevalence amongst adolescents.
Despite clear evidence for the...
Alcohol and You: An Interactive Body
Almost every organ system is affected by alcohol. Drinking in moderation may cause problems to one's body, and drinking heavily over the years can cause irreversible damage. However, most diseases caused by excessive drinking can be...
Laporan Status tentang Konsumsi Alkohol, Bahaya, dan Tanggapan Kebijakan di 30 Negara Eropa 2019
Alkohol tetap menjadi salah satu zat psikoaktif yang paling umum digunakan di Eropa. Meskipun menjadi faktor risiko utama untuk beban penyakit, dengan dampak substansial tidak hanya pada peminum individu tetapi juga pada masyarakat luas...
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