Laporan Obat Dunia UNODC 2016
Sekitar lima persen dari populasi orang dewasa, atau hampir 250 juta orang antara usia 15 dan 64, menggunakan setidaknya satu obat pada tahun 2014, menurut Laporan Obat Dunia terbaru yang dirilis hari ini oleh Kantor PBB untuk Narkoba dan...
Standar Internasional untuk Pengobatan Gangguan Penggunaan Narkoba: Draf untuk pengujian lapangan
Standar Internasional untuk Pengobatan Gangguan Penggunaan Narkoba (Standar) disiapkan oleh UNODC dan WHO untuk mendukung Negara-negara Anggota dalam pengembangan dan perluasan layanan pengobatan yang menawarkan pengobatan yang efektif dan...
Growing up unequal: gender and socioeconomic differences in young people's health and well-being. Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study
This book is the latest addition to a series of reports on young people's health from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study: a WHO collaborative cross-national study that has provided information about the health, well...
Program perintis methadone memberi harapan kepada ribuan orang di Dar es Salaam
Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs Linked to Reductions in Opioid Overdose Deaths
Studi Menghubungkan Apotik Ganja Medis dengan Mengurangi Angka Kematian Dari Overdosis Opioid
EMCDDA Menerbitkan Laporan Pertamanya tentang Tanggapan Kesehatan terhadap Zat Psikoaktif Baru
Tindak lanjut jangka panjang dari pasien yang diobati dengan buprenorphine / naloxone
Dalam tindak lanjut jangka panjang pertama dari pasien yang diobati dengan buprenorphine / naloxone (Bp / Nx) untuk kecanduan pereda nyeri opioid, setengah melaporkan bahwa mereka pantang dari obat-obatan 18 bulan setelah memulai terapi...
International Standards on Drug Use Prevention
These global International Standards summarize the currently available scientific evidence, describing interventions and policies that have been found to result in positive prevention outcomes and their characteristics. Concurrently, the...
Standar Kualitas Pencegahan Obat Eropa
EDPQS memberikan seperangkat prinsip untuk membantu mengembangkan dan menilai kualitas pencegahan narkoba. Mereka menawarkan sumber daya yang komprehensif menguraikan semua elemen kegiatan pencegahan narkoba. EDPQS dikembangkan oleh Europea...
Registration open for fifth European drugs summer school
2016 EU Drug Markets Report
The 2016 EU Drug Markets Report — In-depth Analysis is launched at a press conference in Brussels on 5 April by Dimitris Avramopoulos, European Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship. The Commissioner will be joined by...
Infografis NIDA: Fakta tentang rokok elektrik
Iklan alkohol tidak memiliki tempat di layar anak-anak kita
Apakah Sudah Waktunya untuk Berbicara dengan Anak Remaja Anda Tentang Penggunaan Narkoba?
Latest UK drug related deaths statistics
On 3rd September 2015, the UK's Office of National Statistics released a Statistical Bulletin Deaths related to drug poisoning in England and Wales, 2014 registrations. The report's main points included a number of serious statistics...
European Drug Report 2015
The EU Drug Agency (EMCCDA) has published the European Drug Report 2015. In its annual review, the agency reflects on 20 years of monitoring and examines the global influences and local ramifications of Europe’s ever-changing drugs problem...
A Guide to Working with Community Groups
The Australian Drug Foundation (ADF) have put together a guide to working with African communities, settled in Australia. The guide itself states that 'whilst the research and community consultation underpinning this toolkit have focused on...
Addiction Journal Organise Their Articles by Key Findings
'Addiction' the journal produced by the American Society for the Study of Addiction have created a useful resource for those involved with the study of addiction. They have compiled a list of all their articles published in 2015, with the...
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