Training on UTC 01 - Sri Lanka
At the start of may 2022 the Preventive Education and Training Unit of the National Dangerous Drugs Control Board has conducted training on Universal Treatment Curriculum, Course 01 (UTC - 01) for 32 staff members in NDDCB.
The training...
New Psychoactive Substances: Reading List
Modul pelatihan Proyek NEPTUNE
Dalam kemitraan dengan Royal College of Psychiatrists, Project NEPTUNE telah mengembangkan modul pelatihan untuk meningkatkan praktik klinis dalam pengelolaan bahaya yang diakibatkan oleh penggunaan obat-obatan klub dan zat psikoaktif baru...
Guidance on the Clinical Management of Acute and Chronic Harms of Club Drugs and Novel Psychoactive Substances
This document provides guidance on the clinical management of harms resulting from acute intoxication and from the harmful and dependent use of club drugs and Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS).
This is an extensive and comprehensive...
Handbook of Novel Psychoactive Substances: What Clinicians Should Know about NPS
Handbook of Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) provides a comprehensive overview of the challenges that clinicians face when dealing with NPS and discusses how the profile of patients and their socio-demographic characteristics frame the...
Novel Psychoactive Substances: Policy, Economics and Drug Regulation
In light of the recent emergence of Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) on a global scale, this book provides a timely analysis of the social and economic impact of the NPS phenomenon, and of the global policy and regulatory responses to it...
Tren yang Muncul dalam Narkoba, Kecanduan, dan Kesehatan
Emerging Trends in Drugs, Addictions, and Health adalah jurnal internasional baru yang ditujukan untuk publikasi cepat makalah otoritatif tentang Zat Psikoaktif Novel (NPS), Kecanduan, dan fenomena kesehatan terkait.
Jurnal ini memiliki...
New psychoactive substances: A review and updates
New psychoactive substances (NPS) are a diverse group of substances that are linked with a number of health and social harms on an individual and societal level. NPS toxicity and dependence syndromes are recognised in primary care...
Peringatan Dini UNODC Penasihat tentang Zat Psikoaktif Baru
Munculnya sejumlah besar Zat Psikoaktif Baru yang cepat di pasar obat global menimbulkan risiko yang signifikan bagi kesehatan masyarakat dan tantangan bagi kebijakan narkoba. Seringkali, sedikit yang diketahui tentang efek kesehatan yang...
Zat psikoaktif baru (NPS)
Zat psikoaktif baru (NPS) didefinisikan sebagai 'obat narkotika atau psikotropika baru, dalam bentuk murni atau dalam persiapan, yang tidak dikendalikan oleh konvensi obat Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa, tetapi yang dapat...
Changes in Youth Cannabis Use After an Increase in Cannabis Minimum Legal Age in Quebec, Canada
Importance In January 2020, Quebec raised the minimum legal age (MLA) for cannabis from 18 to 21 years. Evidence is needed to inform the ongoing debate on this policy. Although proponents believe that a higher MLA will protect...
War - Psychological skills for surviving (coping with) traumatic events: Priority assistance to the military
ISSUP in collaboration with the University of California San Diego, Department of Psychiatry, International Technology Transfer Center - Ukraine, and ISSUP Ukraine National Chapter welcome you to a joint initiative dedicated to the...
Country Report - Morocco 2, Day 7, 18:13-18:35
Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, online, on 18th May, 2022
Country Report : Morocco 2
Country Reports
Country-by-country reports detailing the...
Laporan Negara - Australia, Hari ke-7, 15:30-15:46
Disajikan sebagai bagian dari Menyatukan komunitas global untuk menghadapi tantangan acara kecanduan, secara online, pada 18 Mei 2022
Laporan Negara: Australia
Laporan Negara
Laporan per negara yang merinci...
Country Report Argentina - SEDRONAR, Day 7, 07:43-07:50
Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, online, on 18th May, 2022
Country Report Argentina - SEDRONAR
Country Reports
Country-by-country reports...
Country Report - Morocco, Day 6, 19:37-21:31
Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, online, on 17th May, 2022
Country Report: Morocco
Country Reports
Country-by-country reports detailing the...
Country Report -Libya, Day 6, 19:37-21:31
Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, online, on 17th May, 2022
Country Report: Libya
Country Reports
Country-by-country reports detailing the current...
Country Report - Lebanon, Day 6, 19:37-21:31
Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, online, on 17th May, 2022
Country Report: Lebanon
Country Reports
Country-by-country reports detailing the...
Laporan Negara - Mesir, Hari 6, 19:37-21:31
Disajikan sebagai bagian dari Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, online, pada 17 Mei 2022
Laporan Negara: Mesir
Laporan Negara
Laporan per negara yang merinci keadaan...
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