Giugno 2023

Kettil Bruun Society (KBS) Annual Meeting 2023

Location: Johannesburg, Sud Africa

The Kettil Bruun Society for Social and Epidemiological Research on Alcohol  was established in 1986 and originated in the epidemiology section of the International Council on Alcohol and Addictions (ICAA).

The purpose of the symposium is to provide a forum where researchers involved in studies on alcohol can exchange ideas about their ongoing research. The scope of the symposium includes studies of the determinants and consequences of drinking, drinking cultures and patterns as well as social and institutional responses to drinking related harms, prevention and care.

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Submitted on Mercoledì 15th Marzo 2023 - 16:02
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HIV A to Z: An Interactive Training for Treatment & Prevention Providers

Location: Online

The Southeast PTTC, in partnership with Carolinas CARE Partnership, presents “HIV A to Z: An Interactive Training for Prevention &

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Submitted on Mercoledì 31st Maggio 2023 - 09:49
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Evento europeo per l'attuazione

Location: Basel, Svizzera

Il #EIE2023 riunisce individui e organizzazioni impegnati nella sintesi, nella traduzione, nell'adozione e nell'implementazione di prove nella pratica e nella politica dei servizi umani.

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Submitted on Martedì 12th Luglio 2022 - 13:37
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2023 Virtual NIDA International Forum

Location: Washington D.C., Stati Uniti

2023 NIDA International Forum
The NIDA International Program invites you to the 2023 NIDA International Forum, which will take place June 8 and 9, 2023.
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Submitted on Mercoledì 26th Aprile 2023 - 10:08
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Evento europeo di attuazione 2023

Location: Basel, Svizzera

L'European Implementation Event 2023 si svolgerà a Basilea, in Svizzera, l'8 e il 9 giugno 2023. Il team di pianificazione è lieto di annunciare che le registrazioni sono ora aperte e che i biglietti Early Bird sono disponibili fino al 15 marzo 2023


Cosa aspettarsi da #EIE2023?

Relatori di alto profilo, una vasta gamma di presentazioni e sessioni interattive sulla pratica e la ricerca di implementazione, il networking, le attività sociali e molto altro. 

Non vediamo l'ora di darvi il benvenuto a EIE2023!

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Submitted on Giovedì 17th Novembre 2022 - 10:46
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National Addiction Treatment Week

Location: NA

National Addiction Treatment Week takes place on October 16-22, 2023!

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Submitted on Venerdì 13th Ottobre 2023 - 14:25
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The 15th AIDSImpact Conference

Location: Stockholm, Svezia

The Covid pandemic, the war in Ukraine and other ongoing conflicts in the world, have globally disrupted health services and affected treatment and psychosocial care of people living with HIV.

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Submitted on Mercoledì 3rd Maggio 2023 - 18:35
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Implementation Research Scientific Conference

Location: Bilbao, Spagna


The purpose of this conference is to disseminate the fundamentals of Implementation Research among national and international health care services managers and researchers, and especially among the RICAPPS and Osakidetza partners, to foster implementation research and to generate new implementation research projects to be developed. 

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Submitted on Giovedì 13th Aprile 2023 - 08:40
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Treatment of Co-Occurring Traumatic Stress and Substance Use Problems Among Adolescents: State of the Science and Future Directions

Location: Online

In this presentation, Dr Carla Danielson will:

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Submitted on Giovedì 8th Giugno 2023 - 08:47
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Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder - Bending the Trajectory, Douglas Waite, M.D., FAAP, National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare’s (NCSACW) webinar

Location: Washington, DC, Stati Uniti

Register now:

Tuesday, June 13, 2023, 3 - 4 p.m. ET
Tuesday, June 20, 2023, 3 - 4 p.m. ET


Join these webinars to engage with national experts to learn more about

• Our understanding (past and present) of the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on neurodevelopment

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Submitted on Giovedì 8th Giugno 2023 - 01:44
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Continuum of Care in Recovery

Location: Gaborone, Botswana

ISSUP Botswana would like to invite you to attend their Webinar on Continuum of Care in Recovery.
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Submitted on Martedì 6th Giugno 2023 - 15:55
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Addiction and the Family International Network (AFINet) Conference

Location: Rotterdam, Olanda

This will be an excellent networking opportunity for researchers, practitioners, policy experts and experts by experience from around the world to come together to discuss current work focused on improving the lives of family members who suffer by being close to someone with an alcohol, drug, or gambling problem.

The Conference will be held in Rotterdam, Holland on June 15-16, with two optional Workshops on the morning of 17 June on either the 5-Step Method or CRAFT, and a welcome reception in the evening of 14 June.  

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Submitted on Mercoledì 15th Marzo 2023 - 16:08
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Launch event: European Drug Report 2023

Location: Brussels

How many new drugs were detected in Europe over the last year? What are the latest trends in drug production and trafficking? What substances are causing the most concern today? Find out more when the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug

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Submitted on Domenica 4th Giugno 2023 - 10:41
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Celebrate World Drug Day 2023 with UYDEL and partners at our upcoming Webinar

Location: Kampala, Uganda

ISSUP Uganda
In commemoration of the World Drug Day, UYDEL and partners are organizing a webinar on the topic of Drug Prevention efforts and Prevention smart parents which will be taking place on Tuesday, 20th June 2023 via zoom from 11:00am up to 12:00pm.
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Submitted on Lunedì 19th Giugno 2023 - 11:02
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Fentanilo: un problema actual / Fentanyl: a current issue

Location: Washington D.C., Stati Uniti


Secondo il World Drug Report 2022, l'uso non medico di oppioidi come il fentanyl pone rischi sostanziali per la salute globale. Gli oppioidi rimangono il gruppo più letale di sostanze psicoattive, rappresentando i due terzi dei decessi direttamente correlati alle droghe, principalmente overdose. Inoltre, il fentanyl e i suoi analoghi erano presenti nel 90% delle dosi giornaliere definite di oppioidi sintetici sequestrati nel 2020.

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Submitted on Martedì 13th Giugno 2023 - 09:10
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Conflict Resolution for Recovery Training

Location: Online

Conflict Resolution for

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Submitted on Domenica 4th Giugno 2023 - 10:47
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Webinar: "People First: Stop Stigma and Discrimination, Strengthen Prevention"

Location: Nassau, Bahamas

ISSUP Bahamas Webinar
ISSUP Bahamas Chapter is Preparing for World Drug Day Webinar on June 26, 2023. 2023 Theme: “People first: stop stigma and discrimination, strengthen prevention.”
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Submitted on Lunedì 19th Giugno 2023 - 09:24
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European Drugs Summer School 2023

Location: Lisbon, Portogallo

This two week in-person Summer School (26th of June to 7th of July 2023) prepares professionals and students to meet the complex policy challenges that face Europe and the World in the field of drugs. Teaching staff include scientific experts from the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug

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Submitted on Mercoledì 15th Marzo 2023 - 16:11
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Addiction 2023 Online Conference

Location: Online

SANCA National is hosting the second ADDICTION 2023 Online Conference from the 27 to 29 June 2023 in partnership with International and National stakeholders.

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Submitted on Martedì 7th Febbraio 2023 - 20:29
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Basta de estigmatización y discriminación, reforcemos la prevención

Location: Mexico City, Messico

ISSUP México los invita al Conversatorio Regional "Basta de estigmatización y discriminación, reforcemos la prevención" en conmemoración del Día Mundial de las Drogas que se llevará a cabo el martes 27 de junio a las 11:00 hrs (tiempo de la Ciudad de México).
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Submitted on Giovedì 15th Giugno 2023 - 09:15
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Abbracciare la riduzione del danno orientata al recupero nel trattamento farmacologico assistito

Location: Online

Descrizione: __________

Il trattamento farmaco-assistito (MAT) è ampiamente accettato come la forma più efficace di trattamento per gli individui con disturbo da uso di oppioidi. Le opzioni MAT hanno offerto un percorso di recupero per molte persone che hanno trovato un recupero sostenuto e a lungo termine con il supporto di questi farmaci e servizi. Nonostante ciò, la MAT è spesso classificata come una forma di riduzione del danno. In effetti, il MAT è noto per fornire molti benefici salvavita di riduzione del danno alle persone che fanno uso di sostanze. Allora, qual è?

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Submitted on Domenica 4th Giugno 2023 - 10:29
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Trattamento e prevenzione dei disturbi da uso di sostanze sul posto di lavoro

Location: Nairobi, Kenya

ISSUP Kenya desidera invitarti al loro webinar sull'uso di sostanze sul luogo di lavoro.
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Submitted on Martedì 13th Giugno 2023 - 10:11
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