Overburdened Mental Health Providers Thwart Police Push for Drug Treatment
This article highlights the overburdened health system in West Virginia, including a shortage of behavioral treatment professionals.
This article highlights the overburdened health system in West Virginia, including a shortage of behavioral treatment professionals.
The Dhaka Ahsania Mission Female Drug Treatment & Rehabilitation Center, the International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT), and the Lion Club of Dhaka Oasis jointly organized an anti-drug seminar for the students...
The “Engaging Young People in Peacebuilding” Project of the Drug Free Pakistan Foundation was continuously engaged in organizing and conducting teachers' training, youth leadership training and school programs in school-based prevention...
The Pakistani non-governmental organisation, Aga Khan Rural Support (AKRSP), organised its first four day training programme on evidence-based school and community drug abuse prevention for teachers from 6th - 10th October, 2017 in...
The African Union Continental Consultation on Drug Demand Reduction organised by the African Union took place in Tunisia from 1-3 November. ISSUP was invited to attend and contribute to the meeting through Jeff Lee, ISSUP’s Senior...
Il 26 ottobre 2017, il presidente Trump ha dichiarato la crisi degli oppioidi negli Stati Uniti un'emergenza nazionale di salute pubblica ai sensi della legge federale. Le osservazioni scritte e il video sono accessibili tramite i link.
Dhaka: World Mental Health Day
Speakers at a press conference at Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM) called for taking comprehensive steps for preventing the use of drugs among women, saying that drug addiction affects women's mental health as...
Gli attuali livelli di dipendenza da oppioidi negli Stati Uniti sono così allarmanti che nel luglio 2017 la Commissione presidenziale per la lotta alla tossicodipendenza e alla crisi degli oppioidi ha urgentemente suggerito che il...
September 21, 2017
Halting the opioid epidemic requires aggressive action across multiple dimensions, including informed, active, and determined front-line leadership from health clinicians working in every setting throughout the nation...
Provisions under the Philippine Republic Act No.9165 or RA 9165 which is known as the "Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002", there was no instance that the words: "addiction", "addict" were used. Instead, words such as "abuse", "drug...
Opioid is abuse prescription pain medication that formulate to replicate of opium.
The new National Alcohol Policy for Malawi has been in the making since 2008, a process originally initiated by a group of NGOs. On the 18th of August almost ten years later the Minister of Health, Atupele Muluzi, could launch the final...
FIIAPP requiere la contratación mediante contrato laboral por obra y servicio de un puesto de Técnicos/as de Proyectos Programa COPOLAD II. La duración, vinculada a la duración del proyecto, se estima en 28 meses.
Introduced in 2016, The Psychoactive Substances Act is designed to deal with the influx of new drugs often labelled ‘legal highs’.
The Act bans any substance that "by stimulating or depressing the person’s central nervous system… affects...
In 2011, the Royal College of Psychiatrists advised that over 50s should not exceed more than 11 units of alcohol a week, compared with 14 for the rest of the adult population, due to age-related physiological and metabolic changes.
The Pan American Journal of Public Health is currently looking for a Consultant to work in the editorial office at Washington, D.C., supporting editorial tasks related to the implementation of new editorial features, translation requests...
Di Kelly Young
A cura di David G. Fairchild, MD, MPH e Jaye Elizabeth Hefner, MD
Le prove sono limitate sui benefici dell'uso di cannabis per il trattamento del dolore cronico e del disturbo da stress post-traumatico, secondo due...
Questo articolo descrive come il fentanil sta influenzando gli agenti di polizia e gli esaminatori medici in tutti gli Stati Uniti mentre cercano di indagare. Leggi tutto...
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