Public health
The intersection of substance use with broader public health concerns.
Free Telementoring Mentoring Program Aims to Bring Research-Based Practices and Skills Related to Health Care Professionals Working with People who Use Alcohol
The Alcohol Use and Mental Health Project ECHO is a no-cost virtual program for health care professionals who are looking for up-to-date and research-based information on working with people who use alcohol.
The program, which is only...
Moving Beyond Change Efforts: Evidence and Action to Support and Affirm LGBTQI+ Youth
The report provides behavioural health professionals, researchers, policymakers and other audiences with a comprehensive research overview and accurate information about effective and ineffective therapeutic practices related to youth of...
The future of drug monitoring in Europe until 2030
Patterns of drug use and developments in the drug market in Europe are becoming more complex and dynamic, with major implications for drug monitoring and research. This observation prompted the European Monitoring Centre for...
Firma del protocollo d'intesa tra l'ufficiale di polizia di Gujranwala e il Mian Afzal Trust Hospital, Gujranwala Pakistan
L'ufficiale di polizia della città (CPO) Gujranwala Ayyaz Saleem e il presidente del Mian Afzal Trust Hospital Gujranwala Sana Ullah Rathore hanno firmato un protocollo d'intesa tra la polizia di Gujranwala e il Mian Afzal Trust Hospital...
Improving alcohol management in primary health care in Mexico
Alcohol screening, brief advice and referral to treatment (SBIRT) in primary health care is an effective strategy to decrease alcohol consumption at population level. However, there is relatively scarce evidence...
New Psychoactive Substances in the Homeless Population: A Cross-Sectional Study in the United Kingdom
The last few years have seen the emergence of new psychoactive substances among the homeless population, specifically synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists. The purpose of this study is to investigate the knowledge and...
I had nothing, and drugs don’t leave”: Young offenders’ perspectives on Alcohol and Other Drugs (AoD)
This webinar looked at the contexts of young offenders’ alcohol and other drug use and the implications for harm reduction strategies.
The importance of multi-level interventions that move beyond ‘victim blaming’ and ‘individual...
Better Than Well- Programma di recupero per sostenere gli studenti in Inghilterra
Le conseguenze della dipendenza da sostanze come droghe e alcol, o impegnarsi in determinati comportamenti come il gioco d'azzardo, il gioco o il sesso, possono essere gravi. La dipendenza è spesso una risposta a traumi sottostanti e...
Situazione dei senzatetto e dell'uso di sostanze in India e impatto della pandemia di COVID-19
La disponibilità di un riparo sicuro e confortevole è uno dei bisogni umani elementari essenziali sia per la sopravvivenza di un individuo che per lo sviluppo sociale. Tuttavia, anche nel 21 ° secolo, circa un quinto della popolazione...
Psychoactive Prescription Drug Abuse: Selected Psychological Symptoms and Quality of Life in Addiction Treatment. Study Protocol
BACKGROUND: The abuse of psychoactive prescription drugs has become increasingly common in the Czech Republic. These drugs include sedatives, hypnotics, anxiolytics (benzodiazepines and Z-hypnotics), and opioids. Patients with an addiction...
The COVID-19 Global Pandemic and Changes in Preference and Behaviour Regarding Selected Anabolic Androgenic Substances and Steroids – A Comparative Study
BACKGROUND: The SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19) and the ensuing global public health emergency situation have led to restrictions, changes, and measures in the daily life of society as a whole. The situation culminated in a global pandemic. A...
The Amount of Excise Tax and its Effect on the Consumption of Alcohol and Cigarettes in European Countries
BACKGROUND: Tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption are widespread practices that are legal and socially accepted in many societies. One of the common tools to reduce the consumption of these legal drugs is increasing prices. The prices for...
Canada’s Guidance on Alcohol and Health: Final Report
Canada’s Guidance on Alcohol and Health provides evidence-based advice on alcohol to support people in making informed decisions about their health. The guidance is based on the latest research on alcohol-related risks and replaces Canada’s...
ADF Drug Wheel
The ADF Interactive Drug Wheel classifies drugs as part of seven general categories: Stimulants, Depressants, Cannabinoids, Psychedelics, Opioids, Dissociatives and Empathogens. Find out about the effects of drugs and more information about...
Cannabis: Lista di lettura
Di tutte le sostanze illecite, la cannabis si distingue come la più coltivata, trafficata e abusata. Ha effetti significativi sul corpo e sulla mente umana, alterando le percezioni sensoriali, l'umore, le capacità cognitive, la...
Cannabis Use in Sub-Saharan Africa
Background and Aims
The most available data on the prevalence of cannabis use come from population surveys conducted in high-income countries in North America, Oceania and Europe. Less is known about the prevalence of...
Webinar dell'OEDT: Metanfetamina in Europa: passato e presente
Obiettivo: Esplorare il problema della metanfetamina in Europa.
In questo webinar, l'OEDT esaminerà il problema della metanfetamina in Europa, il suo profondo radicamento nella storia del nostro continente e la sua evoluzione.
In che modo le organizzazioni dell'industria dell'alcol fuorviano il pubblico su alcol e cancro
Il consumo di alcol aumenta il rischio di diversi tipi di cancro, tra cui diversi tumori comuni. Nell'ambito delle proprie attività di responsabilità sociale d'impresa, l'industria dell'alcol condivide informazioni su alcol e cancro.
Nutrients Special issue: The Impact of Alcohol on Human Health
Special Issue Information
Alcohol is often perceived as an underrated risk factor for human health. The aim of this Special Issue is to correct misperceptions and misinformation by providing up-to-date reviews and publications that...
421 milioni di sterline per aumentare il trattamento di droga e alcol in tutta l'Inghilterra
È stato annunciato che le autorità locali di tutta l'Inghilterra beneficeranno di un ulteriore finanziamento governativo di 421 milioni di sterline fino al 2025 per migliorare il trattamento e il recupero dalla dipendenza da droghe e alcol...
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