Normalizzazione dei principi e delle pratiche di prevenzione per ridurre i disturbi da uso di sostanze attraverso un quadro integrato di diffusione e attuazione
Negli ultimi 30 anni, le principali scoperte della ricerca nel campo della prevenzione dell'uso di sostanze sono servite a:
1) migliorare la comprensione degli effetti farmacologici sul sistema nervoso e delle conseguenze sanitarie e...
Free Telementoring Mentoring Program Aims to Bring Research-Based Practices and Skills Related to Health Care Professionals Working with People who Use Alcohol
The Alcohol Use and Mental Health Project ECHO is a no-cost virtual program for health care professionals who are looking for up-to-date and research-based information on working with people who use alcohol.
The program, which is only...
Indagine nazionale sull'uso di sostanze e sui servizi di salute mentale (N-SUMHSS), 2021: dati sull'uso di sostanze e sulle strutture di trattamento della salute mentale
L'N-SUMHSS è un'indagine annuale volontaria su tutte le strutture per l'uso di sostanze attive e la salute mentale negli Stati Uniti, nei suoi territori e a Washington. Il rapporto annuale presenta i risultati sul profilo generale dell'uso...
Moving Beyond Change Efforts: Evidence and Action to Support and Affirm LGBTQI+ Youth
The report provides behavioural health professionals, researchers, policymakers and other audiences with a comprehensive research overview and accurate information about effective and ineffective therapeutic practices related to youth of...
The 9th Anniversary of Ahsania Mission Women Drug Treatment Centre
Social stigma is the main obstacle for female substance users’ treatment.
Social stigma is the reason why females who use substances are unwilling to seek treatment. The rate of substance abuse among the female is frightfully increasing...
L'uso di sigarette/nicotina: una porta d'accesso all'uso di altre droghe?
Determinants of cigarette smoking and smoking frequency among women of reproductive age in Nigeria: evidence from a nationwide cross-sectional survey
In the entire world, smoking is a major contributor to preventable deaths and years of life with a disability. Nevertheless, little is known about the factors that influence women's smoking habits. This study evaluated the...
La relazione tra trauma e uso di sostanze tra gli operatori sanitari: un'analisi trasversale
L'esposizione al trauma è prevalente nella popolazione generale, ma gli operatori sanitari possono essere a maggior rischio di ulteriori traumi legati al lavoro. Il trauma è un noto fattore di rischio per l'uso di sostanze, in particolare...
Exploring the association of meaning in life with psychological distress in male patients with substance use disorder in Pakistan
The objective of the present research is to explore the predictive association of meaning in life (presence & search) with psychological distress (depression, anxiety & stress) in people with substance use disorder. Sample of...
The future of drug monitoring in Europe until 2030
Patterns of drug use and developments in the drug market in Europe are becoming more complex and dynamic, with major implications for drug monitoring and research. This observation prompted the European Monitoring Centre for...
Firma del protocollo d'intesa tra l'ufficiale di polizia di Gujranwala e il Mian Afzal Trust Hospital, Gujranwala Pakistan
L'ufficiale di polizia della città (CPO) Gujranwala Ayyaz Saleem e il presidente del Mian Afzal Trust Hospital Gujranwala Sana Ullah Rathore hanno firmato un protocollo d'intesa tra la polizia di Gujranwala e il Mian Afzal Trust Hospital...
Improving alcohol management in primary health care in Mexico
Alcohol screening, brief advice and referral to treatment (SBIRT) in primary health care is an effective strategy to decrease alcohol consumption at population level. However, there is relatively scarce evidence...
New Psychoactive Substances in the Homeless Population: A Cross-Sectional Study in the United Kingdom
The last few years have seen the emergence of new psychoactive substances among the homeless population, specifically synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists. The purpose of this study is to investigate the knowledge and...
The impact of childhood trauma and mental disorders among people with opioid dependence
Tom Santo Jr presented at the NDARC Webinar Series on Thursday, 16 February 2023.
How do childhood trauma and mental disorders affect health, treatment and social outcomes among people with opioid dependence?
Research has found that...
Epidemiology of prescription opioid use in Iran
Dr Jaleh Gholami presented at the NDARC Webinar Series on Thursday, 9 March 2023.
Iran, located in the Middle East, has a high rate of opioid consumption and different patterns of drug use. In this webinar, we will present the...
I had nothing, and drugs don’t leave”: Young offenders’ perspectives on Alcohol and Other Drugs (AoD)
This webinar looked at the contexts of young offenders’ alcohol and other drug use and the implications for harm reduction strategies.
The importance of multi-level interventions that move beyond ‘victim blaming’ and ‘individual...
Newsletter Issue 25, March 2023
ISSUP India has been appreciated by Hon'ble Judges from Delhi High Court, India for their work with children in Substance use.
La bevanda standard in Messico: uno strumento per la prevenzione dell'uso dannoso di alcol
Lavoro che spiega gli usi e le applicazioni della bevanda standard per la prevenzione dell'uso dannoso di alcol.
Terapie cognitivo-comportamentali in Messico
Il libro che il lettore ha tra le mani ha lo scopo di riflettere l'origine, il background e lo stato attuale in tutto il mondo e in Messico delle terapie cognitivo-comportamentali, nonché le diverse aree alla loro portata, di cui qui ne...
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