Trends in Cannabis Polysubstance Use During Early Pregnancy Among Patients in a Large Health Care System in Northern California
Importance Rates of prenatal cannabis use are increasing alongside perceptions that cannabis is a harmless therapeutic for pregnancy-related ailments, while rates of prenatal use of alcohol and tobacco are decreasing. It is...
Use of Menthol Cigarettes, Smoking Frequency, and Nicotine Dependence Among US Youth
Importance Menthol may make cigarette smoke less aversive and could lead youth to smoke more frequently and become more dependent on nicotine.
Objective To assess the association of menthol use with cigarette smoking...
Abordando los desafíos de las drogas en las crisis humanitarias y de salud
ISSUP México realizó un conversatorio el miércoles 29 de junio a las 11:00 horas hora de la Ciudad de México, en conmemoración del Día Internacional de la Lucha contra el Uso Indebido y el Tráfico Ilícito de Drogas.
29 de junio de 2022...
Efectos del consumo de cannabis durante el embarazo y la lactancia
La marihuana se consume en menor proporción que el alcohol y el tabaco. La edad de mayor frecuencia de consumo coincide con la edad reproductiva. Los cannabinoides tienen características cinéticas y mecanismos de acción que...
Register to take part in "Motivational Quizzing" 2022
Anticancer effects of disulfiram: a systematic review of in vitro, animal, and human studies
Background and objectives
Cancer morbidity and mortality rates remain high, and thus, at present, considerable efforts are focused on finding drugs with higher sensitivity against tumor cells and fewer side effects...
Drug treatment management and mental health care training manual review workshop held
Proper guidelines for professionals are essential in providing quality services. With this in mind, Dhaka Ahsania Mission Health Sector organized a day-long consultation workshop on June 2, 2022, under the JPRPHRPC project supported by GIZ...
Association Between Smoking History and Overall Survival in Patients Receiving Pembrolizumab for First-Line Treatment of Advanced Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer
Importance There is a need to tailor treatments to patients who are most likely to derive the greatest benefit from them to improve patient outcomes and enhance cost-effectiveness of cancer therapies.
Objective To compare...
Variations in national availability of waivered buprenorphine prescribers by racial and ethnic composition of zip codes
Opioid overdose remains a public health crisis in diverse communities. Between 2019 and 2020, there was an almost 40% increase in drug fatalities primarily due to opioid analogues of both stimulants and opioids. Medications...
Patient perspectives on depot buprenorphine treatment for opioid addiction – a qualitative interview study
Recently developed buprenorphine depot injections have the potential to reduce risk for diversion and misuse, and to increase adherence with fewer visits for supervised intake. However, it is unclear how patients perceive this...
Уытқұмарлықтың бұзылуына арналған когнитивтік мінез-құлық терапиясы: теориядан практикаға дейін
Когнитивтік мінез-құлық терапиясы (CBT) субстанцияларды пайдаланудың сан алуан бұзылыстарын (СУД) емдеу үшін тиімді деп танылды. Бұл вебинар субстанцияларды пайдаланудың СБТ моделін, сондай-ақ СУД-дан зардап шеккен жеке тұлғаларға барынша...
Stimulants A Focus on Effective Treatment Interventions and Recovery Supports
During this webinar you will learn how to:
-Discuss research findings related to brain recovery following the use of stimulants.
-Recall evidence-based behavioural interventions found to be effective in treating people with a...
Stress, Relationships, & Substance Use Disorders An Introduction to Neuroscience Informed Counseling
During this webinar you will learn how to:
- Discuss the foundations for incorporating neuroscience into clinical practice
- Describe a neuroscience informed model of SUD treatment
- Apply a model of stress, relationship, and SUD
Стресс, қарым-қатынас және субстанцияларды пайдаланудың бұзылуы Клиникалық қосымшалар
Бұл семинар нейроғылымды SUD-еммен ықпалдастыру бойынша тұсаукесерлер кешенінің 2-бөлігі болып табылады. 1-бөлім этикалық практиканың негізін қалады. 2-бөлімде қатысушылар өз клиенттерімен дереу тәжірибеге енгізе алатын нейроғылым...
Using motivational interviewing in substance use disorder treatment
Effective substance use disorder (SUD) treatment requires providers to understand what an individual genuinely needs to do to change substance use behaviours. An essential element in motivational SUD interventions is helping people who...
Мотивациялық сұхбаттасу бейнелері
Жаттықтырушылардың мотивациялық сұхбаттасу желісі (ИЖТМ) мотивациялық сұхбат шеңберінде қолданылатын негізгі дағдылар мен тәсілдерді көрсету үшін бейнероликтерді іріктеуді жинады.
Бейнелер жинағын мына жерден көруге болады.
Motivational interviewing for substance abuse
Motivational interviewing (MI) is a client‐centred, semi‐directive method for enhancing intrinsic motivation to change by exploring and resolving ambivalence. The intervention is used widely, and therefore it is important to find out...
Негізгілері ... Сериясы: Уәждемелік сұхбат
Негізгі заттар... — субстанцияларды пайдалану саласындағы тәжірибені күшейту үшін ғылыми негізделген нұсқаулар мен практикалық ақпаратты ұсынатын Канаданың субстанцияларды пайдалану және тәуелділік орталығы (CCSA) әзірлеген серия.
Motivational Interviewing in Africa Webinar Series
In this webinar series, hosted by the South Africa International Technology Transfer Centre in collaboration with MI & Beyond, William Miller and Stephen Rollnick, co-founders of Motivational Interviewing engage with clinicians and...
Awareness Lecture and Workshop on Risky Behaviors & Substance Use in an International Family Medicine Conference, Avari Hotel, Lahore Pakistan
Two days International Family Medicine Conference has been arranged at Avari Hotel in Lahore Pakistan on May 21 and 22, 2022. The organizers were the team members of WONCA SAR. The guest speaker/trainer invited to grace these initiatives...
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