Evaluación de una iniciativa dirigida a mejorar la selección, implación y evaluación de intervenciones de prevención del uso de sustancias psicoactivas en Las Américas
Resultados de un enfoque sistémico para orientar y monitorear la selección, implación y evaluación de intervenciones prevenciones en la región de América Latina con fin de radureir el impacto de susto sustancias psicoactivas a nivel global...
Concurrent Treatment of PTSD and Substance Use Disorders Using Prolonged Exposure (COPE): Therapist Guide (Treatments That Work)
Concurrent Treatment of PTSD and Substance Use Disorders Using Prolonged Exposure (COPE) is a cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy program designed for patients who have posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and a co-occurring alcohol or drug...
DESK REVIEW: Support for People with Substance Use Disorder in Ukraine During the War
War in Ukraine has inevitably led to the country's health system functioning at reduced capacity. Attacks near hospitals and active military operations force people to change their place of residence and flee from the war to...
Training on the Management of Substance Use Disorders
On August 20, 2022, in the Kinnaird Center for Learning and Cultural Development (KCLCD) Lahore, a one-day skills workshop for students of Professional Certification in Clinical Psychology (PCCP) batch II was organized.
Dr. Nazish Idrees...
Тұрғын үй жағдайында алкогольмен және басқа да наркологиялық көмекпен қамтамасыз ету
Тұрғын үй жағдайындағы адамдарға АҚҚ-ны емдеуді қамтамасыз ететін қызметкерлерде саусақтарының ұшында практиканың неғұрлым өзекті және дәлелденген тәсілдері болуы қажет.
Осы кешенді ресурста тұрғын үймен емдеудің тиімділігін баяндайтын...
International Research Partnerships: Elements of Success
THe presenters for the session were Susana Henriques, from The Open University, Portugal, and Roger Peters, from the University of South Florida.
Dr Henriques and Dr Peters have successfully collaborated on international research, and...
Is a brain-based understanding of addiction predominant?
Brain-based explanations of addiction have become a prominent explanatory model in recent decades. Although opposing views have been published, there is no large-scale study of researchers' opinions, unlike for...
Association of Methamphetamine and Opioid Use With Nonfatal Overdose in Rural Communities
Importance Overdoses continue to increase in the US, but the contribution of methamphetamine use is understudied in rural communities.
Objective To estimate the prevalence of methamphetamine use and its correlates among...
Perspectives of service providers on aftercare service provision for persons with substance use disorders at a Rural District in South Africa
Aftercare programs for people with substance use disorders (PWSUD) are frequently challenged with a number of overlapping obstacles, including uncertain policy consequences and a lack of resources. Despite demographic variety...
Socioeconomic lens on addiction
In this webinar, the speakers take a look at the social and economic factors influencing addiction (particularly injecting drug use), and its impact on particularly disadvantaged groups, such as young people transitioning from out of home...
Стигма мен танымдық мінез-құлық тұлғааралық дағдыларды түсіну - ПАХО-ның онлайн өзін-өзі оқыту және тәлімгерлік-басшылық курсы
Панамерикалық денсаулық сақтау ұйымы (PAHO) Канаданың Психикалық денсаулық жөніндегі комиссиясымен бірлесіп 2022 жылғы 15 тамыз бен 30 қараша аралығында «Стигма мен танымдық мінез-құлық тұлғааралық дағдыларды түсіну» атты жаңа онлайн-өзін...
Balance de una década de política de drogas: Avances y Retos
WHO stakeholder survey on improving access to morphine for medical use
WHO launched a survey on assessing barriers, enablers, and pirority actions for improving access to morphine for medical use.
All Civil Society Organisation can contribute by filling out the survey before 31 August 2022.
The survey...
Improving equity and access to buprenorphine treatment through telemedicine at syringe services programs
In the United States, access to buprenorphine remains low and disparities regarding who receives treatment have emerged. Federal laws have regulated buprenorphine delivery, ultimately limiting its implementation more broadly...
The effects of opioid policy changes on transitions from prescription opioids to heroin, fentanyl and injection drug use: a qualitative analysis
Beginning in the 1990s, non-medical use of prescription opioids (POs) became a major public health crisis. In response to rising rates of opioid dependence and fatal poisonings, measures were instituted to decrease the...
Денсаулық сақтау және гуманитарлық дағдарыстар жағдайында есiрткi проблемаларын шешу: Нигерияда есiрткiнi тұтынудың кешендi алдын алу жөнiндегi күтiмге мұқтаж параметрлер
Bi-Monthly Webinar: ISSUP Nigeria Knowledge Update Series (Thirteenth Session)
ISSUP Nigeria would like to invite you to attend their next Bi-Monthly Webinar in the Knowledge Update Series. The Webinar topic will be Beyond Dependence: Alcohol-induced Disorders.
Learning Outcomes:
• Sensitization to the wide...
Treating co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders using tools from CBT
Presented by Jo Cassar (The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use, University of Sydney), by the end of this webinar, attendees will be able to:
- Recognise the importance of assessing for substance use when a...
Тамақтанудың бұзылуы және АОД қолдану: клиникалар нені білуі керек
Доцент Сара Магир (InsideOut InsideOut) ұсынған осы вебинарға қатысу арқылы қатысушылар мынаны білетін болады:
- Тамақтанудың жиі кездесетін бұзылу симптомдарын қалай тануға болады;
- тамақтанудың бұзылуына қарсы іс-шаралар және...
Kenya to include smoking cessation drugs as essential medicines
The Ministry of Health has been advised to add two non-nicotine drugs to Kenya’s Essential Medicines List, to help smokers quit tobacco and nicotine addiction.
The World Health Organization said the two drugs bring “a powerful shift in...
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