Public health
The intersection of substance use with broader public health concerns.
Counselling Parents and Teens about Marijuana Use in the Era of Legalisation of Marijuana
Many states have recently made significant changes to their legislation making recreational and/or medical marijuana use by adults legal. Although these laws, for the most part, have not targeted the adolescent population, they...
АҚШ педиатрлары марихуана заңдарын босаңсытудан жастар үшін қауіп-қатердің артып келе жатқанын ескертеді
Америка педиатрия академиясының жаңа баяндамасы дәрігерлерді заңдастырудың күшеюіне байланысты пациенттердің миы мен денесін марихуананың денсаулыққа тигізетін зиянынан қорғауға көмектесуге шақырады
СЖТ педиатрларды жасөспірімдер мен...
Effectiveness of the Gold Standard Programme Compared with Other Smoking Cessation Interventions in Denmark
Strengths and Limitations of this Study
This study was based on a large cohort of smokers from all regions and settings in Denmark. 46 287 smokers were included in the study, and the follow-up rate was high (74%).
The study...
Табысы төмен және табысы төмен елдердегі әлеуметтік-экономикалық мәртебе және жұқпалы емес аурулардың мінез-құлықтық қауіп факторлары
Төмен әлеуметтiк-экономикалык топтарда темекi мен алкогольдi тұтынудың жоғары әлеуметтiк-экономикалы топтарға қарағанда едәуiр жоғары таралуы анықталды. Сондай-ақ бұл топтар жоғары әлеуметтік-экономикалық мәртебеге қарағанда...
Terminology and Information on Drugs
The UNODC publication Terminology and Information on Drugs introduces basic concepts and materials on substances under international control, which are most frequently manufactured or processed and/or abused, as well as...
The Impact of Alcohol Use and Related Disorders on the HIV Continuum of Care
Alcohol use is highly prevalent globally with numerous negative consequences to human health, including HIV progression, in people living with HIV (PLH). The HIV continuum of care, or treatment cascade, represents a sequence of targets for...
Evaluation Report on Drug Control for the Sixth Evaluation Round of the Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism (MEM)
The Evaluation Report on Drug Control (2014) for the Sixth Evaluation Round of the Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism (MEM) measures the progress of actions taken by the 34 OAS (Organization of American States) member states to address the...
The Drug Problem in the Americas: Drugs and Public Health
Summary and Findings
Most people do not use illicit drugs and among those who try them, only a fraction will develop patterns of dependence. Still, drug use constitutes a serious health problem for many people in the Americas. Early age...
Латын Америкасындағы темекi өнiмдерiнiң айналымын шектеудiң қазiргi медициналық тәсiлiн өзгертудiң өзекті қажеттiлiгi
Тәуелдi темекi шегушiлерде мидың функционалдық және морфологиялық ерекшелiктерiн өзгертетiн препарат никотин болып табылатын ауру ретiнде темекi шегудiң денсаулыққа тигiзетiн зардаптарын және темекi шегудiң жаңа парадигмасын...
Participation in School Sports and Marijuana Use among Male and Female Students
Systematic Review: Efficacy and Safety of Medical Marijuana in Selected Neurologic Disorders
Objective: To determine the efficacy of medical marijuana in several neurologic conditions.
Methods: We performed a systematic review of medical marijuana (1948–November 2013) to address treatment of symptoms of multiple...
Мыңдаған адам алкогольді емдеуге қол жеткізе алмай қайтыс болды
ВВС-тің хабарлауынша, 2005-2014 жылдар аралығында Ұлыбританияның Уэльс қаласында алкогольге байланысты себептерден 8 мыңға жуық сусын алкогольге тәуелділіктен емделмей қайтыс болды. Бұл ақыр соңында қайтыс болғандардың 94%- ы бірнеше рет...
Guidelines for the Identification and Management of Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders in Pregnancy
These guidelines contain recommendations on the identification and management of substance use and substance use disorders for health care services which assist women who are pregnant, or have recently had a child, and who use alcohol or...
Whole Family Recovery
This document provides an overview of themes that emerged from the Adfam’s Whole Family Recovery and Alcohol Focus Groups and interviews. This research was conducted to scope the impacts of the recovery of someone with an alcohol problem on...
Adfam’s Manifesto for Families: 5 Key Challenges for Supporting Families Affected by Drug and Alcohol Use
“You don’t have to use drugs to be affected by them.”
In 2010 Adfam identified five key challenges for families that the Government should address, identified by stakeholders across England. They were:
- Supporting families in their own...
Supporting Families Affected by Substance Use and Domestic Violence
This research report analyses how domestic violence and abuse is more likely than not to occur within intimate partner relationships where one partner has a problem with alcohol or drugs. The aims of this research project were:
- To...
Validity and Reliability of the Alcohol, Smoking, and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) in University Students
The Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST), developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), has been used successfully in many countries, but there are few studies of its validity and reliability for the...
Drug and Alcohol Related Bereavement - Scoping Review
Adfam and Cruse Bereavement Care carried out a four year drug and alcohol related bereavement project funded by the Big Lottery and running from 2010-14. The purpose of this review is to create a solid evidence-base from which the project...
Consultation Findings for the BEAD Project
Adfam and Cruse Bereavement Care undertook an exploration of the experiences of families and friends bereaved through drug and/ or alcohol use, with the aim of developing a range of peer support services and targeted information...
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: How Parents Deal with Children Who Use Substances and Perpetrate Abuse
This report has been written by Adfam and Against Violence and Abuse (AVA) and covers the processes and findings of a joint project carried out by the two organisations in 2011/12 on child to parent violence and abuse. It reveals that every...
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