Public health
The intersection of substance use with broader public health concerns.
The 'Explosion’ That Never Happened: Crack and Cocaine Use in Britain
In 1989 a whirlwind of concern was stirred up by a US drug enforcement officer who predicted for Britain a US-style “explosion” of violence associated with the ‘almost instantly addictive’ crack version of cocaine. That did not happen - but...
Contextual Factors Associated with Marijuana Use in School Population
Introduction: Marijuana use among the student population has increased in Mexico and Latin America. There are social, interpersonal and individual factors associated with the onset and continuation of marijuana use. These...
How Economic Recessions and Unemployment Affect Illegal Drug Use
Background: Economic recessions may influence illegal drug use via different mechanisms, for example increased use due to more psychological distress or decreased use due to lower income and purchasing power. This paper reviews...
An Approach to the New Psychoactive Drugs Phenomenon
Background: The new psychoactive drugs (NPD) are those that represent a danger to public health and are not prohibited by conventions on international narcotics. The concept also includes new contexts and new routes of...
World Health Statistics: Monitoring Health for the Sustainable Development Goals
The World Health Statistics series is the World Health Organization's (WHO) annual compilation of health statistics for its member states. The latest World Health Statistics provides data on 21 health-related Sustainable Development Goals...
Financial Incentives for Reducing Smoking and Promoting Other Health-Related Behavior Change in Vulnerable Populations
Substantial reductions in U.S. cigarette smoking and associated chronic diseases over the past 50 years have benefited health. Unfortunately, those reductions have distributed unevenly throughout the population. Smoking remains...
Hepatitis C ‘Giant’ Still Growing
Half of all surveyed UK injectors infected, a quarter within three years of starting to inject - for a time it seemed impossible to reverse the epidemic of hepatitis C infection. Now we know that aided by new treatments which clear the...
Sexual Orientation and Estimates of Adult Substance Use and Mental Health
Background: Research suggests that sexual minorities (e.g. people who identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual) are at greater risk for substance use and mental health issues compared with the sexual majority population that...
2017 UNODC World Drug Report
Now in its 20th year of publication, the UNODC World Drug Report for 2017 is now available.
It consists of 5 accessible booklets:
Booklet 1 provides a summary of the subsequent 4 booklets. It also discusses the policy implications of...
ДДҰ-ның алкоголь, есiрткi құралдары және нашақорлық мiнез-құлқы бойынша форумы
Marijuana on the Mind? The Impact of Marijuana on Cognition, Brain Structure, and Brain Function, and Related Public Policy Implications
Although marijuana (MJ) has been used for thousands of years, the public’s opinion of MJ has shifted drastically over the past century, leaving many wondering about its potential risks and benefits. This article summarizes resea...
Alcohol Interventions in Primary Care Settings: What Works, What Doesn’t and What's Next?
This week saw the seminar launch at Edinburgh’s Royal College of Physicians of two key reports on alcohol interventions in primary care settings published by the Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP) in collaboration with the U...
Факт парағы: Халықаралық нашақорлыққа және заңсыз саудаға қарсы күрес күні
Бiрiккен Ұлттар Ұйымы Бас Ассамблеясының 1987 жылғы желтоқсандағы 42/112 қарарымен енгiзiлген және 1988 жылдан бастап жыл сайын байқалып келедi, бүгін есiрткiнi терiс пайдалануға және заңсыз айналымға қарсы 29-шы Халықаралық күн атап...
Alcohol Salud Pública y Responsabilidad Social en América Latina
Ilana Pinsky
Luego de muchos años de investigación en el área de publicidad del alcohol, incluye varias publicaciones en revistas científicas y libros, un grupo de investigadores se fue formando en Brasil y nos encontramos...
Smoking Report: New Figures from NHS England
New figures from NHS England present the most recent smoking statistics nationwide.
The report offers a general image of smoking habits and related health issues across England.
It includes information on:
- Smoking patterns in...
Life in Recovery from Addiction in Canada
The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) has recently teamed up with the National Recovery Advisory Committee to produce the first Canadian survey of people in recovery from drug addiction and/or alcoholism.
The findings...
European Drug Report 2017
The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) has recently released its European Drug Report for 2017. The document offers an overview of the drug situation across the continent. It covers drug supply and use as well...
The Societal Cost of Heroin Use Disorder in the United States
Heroin use in the United States has reached epidemic proportions. The objective of this paper is to estimate the annual societal cost of heroin use disorder in the United States in 2015 US dollars.
Moderate Alcohol Consumption as Risk Factor for Adverse Brain Outcomes and Cognitive Decline
Objectives: To investigate whether moderate alcohol consumption has a favourable or adverse association or no association with brain structure and function.
Design: Observational cohort study with weekly alcohol intake and...
Personality-Targeted Substance Use Interventions: Do They Work?
Do high-risk pupils benefit more so from psychological interventions than standard drug education initiatives?
Much research suggests there are, in fact, a number of significantly positive effects associated with the former.
What is...
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