Public health
The intersection of substance use with broader public health concerns.
Environmental Stressors, Socioeconomic Factors, and Alcohol-Related Problems among Argentinian College Students
Introduction: The relationship between alcohol consumption, individual characteristics, and alcohol-related problems may vary according to environmental characteristics in certain populations.
Objective: To explore the...
Overdose Deaths Related to Fentanyl and Its Analogs
What is already known about this topic?
Illicitly manufactured fentanyl has become a significant contributor to unintentional overdose deaths in the United States.
What is added by this report?
Approximately 90% of...
Trends in Deaths Involving Heroin and Synthetic Opioids Excluding Methadone, and Law Enforcement Drug Product Reports
What is already known about this topic?
Opioid overdose deaths in the United States have been increasing since 1999, initially driven by prescription opioid misuse and more recently by heroin and other illicit opioid use.
A Serious Matter: Laughing Gas Prompts Review of UK’s Psychoactive Substances Act
Introduced in 2016, The Psychoactive Substances Act is designed to deal with the influx of new drugs often labelled ‘legal highs’.
The Act bans any substance that "by stimulating or depressing the person’s central nervous system… affects...
50 жастан асқандардың арасында субстанцияларды пайдаланудың алаңдаушылық үрдістері
2011 жылы Корольдік психиатрлар колледжі 50 жастан асқандар жасына байланысты физиологиялық және зат алмасу өзгерістеріне байланысты ересек халықтың қалған бөлігі үшін 14 бірлікпен салыстырғанда аптасына 11 бірліктен аспауға кеңес берді.
...Guidelines for the Evaluation of Drug Prevention: A Manual for Programme Planners and Evaluators
Guidelines for the Evaluation of Drug Prevention: A Manual for Programme Planners and Evaluators is a publication by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA).
It is the second edition of the 1998 EMCDDA...
Economic Hardships and Patterns of Drug Consumption in Europe
A new study recently published in the Journal of Health Economics considers the changes in patterns of drug consumption and attitudes towards substances among youth (15-24) across 28 European countries.
Of particular interest for the...
Substance Use among Transgender Students in California Public Middle and High Schools
Transgender adolescents face tremendous social stress in families and schools, which often leads to behavioral health disparities. This study assessed whether rates of substance use were higher among transgender...
Drugs, Brains and Behavior: The Science of Addiction
Since the 1930s, the response to drug addiction has moved from one that focuses on the need to punish users to another that recognises the importance of prevention and treatment approaches.
In other words, thanks to scientific advances...
Synthetic Cannabinoids: What Health Risks Do They Pose?
Cannabis is the most widely used illegal drug in the US and in Europe. Recently, a range of new substances that have similar effects have become available. These are known as synthetic cannabinoids (SCs). Little is known about the risks...
Әлеуметтік-экономикалық ұстаным және жасөспірімдер ауыз суы: Сілтеме дегеніміз не?
Жасөспiрiмдердiң ауыз iшу мiнез-құлқына әлеуметтiк-келiсiмнiң жағдайы қандай дәрежеде әсер етедi?
Жақында «BMC Public Health » академиялық журналында жарияланған жаңа мақала бұл сұрақты 14-17 жас аралығындағы студенттер арасында...
Why Are Many American Adults Misusing Prescription Painkillers?
Prescription painkillers are second only to marijuana as the United States drug of choice. Around 91.8 million Americans aged 18 and above used prescription painkillers in 2014, according to the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health...
Preventing Marijuana Use among Youth and Young Adults
Preventing Marijuana Use among Youth and Young Adults is a new release from the US Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).
It provides the latest facts about marijuana use in the United States and includes...
Effect of Marijuana Use on Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Mortality
Reports associate marijuana use with cardiovascular emergencies. Studies relating marijuana use to cardiovascular mortality are scarce. Recent advance towards marijuana use legalization emphasizes the importance of...
Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention: A Potential Role in Cancer Prevention for Young Adults
Excessive or risky alcohol use is a preventable cause of significant morbidity and mortality in the U.S. and worldwide. Alcohol use is a common preventable cancer risk factor among young adults; it is associated with increased risk of...
The Effects of Cannabis among Adults with Chronic Pain and an Overview of General Harms
Background: Cannabis is increasingly available for the treatment of chronic pain, yet its efficacy remains uncertain.
Purpose: To review the benefits of plant-based cannabis preparations for treating chronic pain in adults...
Созылмалы ауырсынуды немесе ӨТҚЖ-ны емдеу үшін каннабистің артықшылықтары туралы дәлелдер
Келли Янг бойынша
Өңделген Дэвид Г. Файршильд, MD, MPH, және Джей Элизабет Хефнер, MD
Дәлелдер ішкі медицина жылнамасындағы екі шолуға сәйкес созылмалы ауырсынуды және жарақаттан кейінгі күйзелістен кейінгі бұзылыстарды емдеу үшін...
EMCDDA Insights: Prevention of Substance Abuse
Prevention of Substance Abuse by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) is a report that draws on evidence-based research to assess substance use prevention interventions, in terms of their ability to...
Principles of Substance Abuse Prevention for Early Childhood
The National Institute on Drug Abuse’s (NIDA) Principles of Substance Abuse Prevention for Early Childhood (2017) is a special volume that supplements the organisation’s Preventing Drug Abuse Among Children and Adolescents, released in 2003...
Online Drinking Interventions Shown to be Effective for Armed Service Personnel
Almost two thirds of men in the UK Armed Forces are considered to drink harmful amounts of alcohol.
This is compared with around one third of the average population.
According to a new study published in the Journal of the Royal Army...
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