Public health
The intersection of substance use with broader public health concerns.
A Growing Issue: An Increased Number Are Entering Drug Treatment for Cannabis Use Across Europe
New research published in the journal European Addiction Research paints a picture of drug treatment services for cannabis-related problems between 2003 – 2014 across 22 European countries.
Notably, it suggests that, on the whole, during...
Preventing Violence Through Alcohol Consumption Reduction Measures
The World Health Organization has released a series of briefings on violence prevention. Of particular interest is Chapter 3: Preventing Violence by Reducing Availability and Harmful Use of Alcohol.
‘Harmful use of alcohol is a major...
Prevention and Treatment for Drug Use in Rural Settings
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has recently published what the organisation describes as ‘an awareness-raising tool’ aimed at policy-makers, public health officials, local authorities and other stakeholders.
High-Risk Drug Use and New Psychoactive Substances
‘High-risk drug use and new psychoactive substances’, a new report from the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), takes a look at the emergence of more problematic forms of new psychoactive substance use among a...
Мектепке негізделген есірткі құралдарына тиімді білім беруді енгізу тәртібі
Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder: What's There to Learn?
This misuse of prescription opioids is a major public health challenge. Buprenorphine-naloxone (bup-nx) is typically used to treat opioid use disorders. However, the drug’s clinical trial primarily involved heroin users. It was therefore...
МСЭҚБ «Профилактикалық зерттеулер қоғамы» жыл сайынғы жиналысында
Өткен аптада ISSUP атқарушы директорының орынбасары Джоанна Трэвис-Робертс және ISSUP байланыс және зерттеу жөніндегі менеджері Ливия Эдеггер Вашингтонда (Д.C) профилактикалық зерттеулер қоғамының (СПР) жыл сайынғы отырысына қатысты...
Socioeconomic Status and Alcohol-Related Harm: What's the Link?
New research published in The Lancet Public Health has examined the link between alcohol-related health effects and socioeconomic status.
The study suggests that the less affluent a person is, the less likely they are to suffer from...
How Do We Tackle the Opioid Epidemic?
The over-prescription of opioids is a significant public health issue in the United States. For example, opioids are often prescribed for minor injuries unnecessarily. This, in turn, increases the risk of addiction.
New research...
'Pre-Drinks': The Possible Dangers of a Growing Cultural Phenomenon
Preloading with alcohol, or ‘pre-drinking’, before a night out is becoming more and more common. New research carried out in a night-life district in Queensland, Australia, has looked to gauge the extent of ‘pre-drinking’. The study reports...
Receptivity to Tobacco Ads Linked to Smoking Susceptibility Among Youth
There is a strong link between receptivity to tobacco product advertisements and susceptibility to smoking cigarettes later in life, according to new research published in the journal Pediatrics. Put simply, the study suggests that the more...
Parental Absence in Early Childhood and Onset of Smoking and Alcohol Consumption before Adolescence
Background: Parental absence, due to death or separation from a parent, has been associated with smoking and alcohol consumption in adolescence and adulthood. The aim of this study was to investigate whether parental absence in...
Current Tobacco Smoking and Desire to Quit Smoking among Students — Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2012–2015
What is already known about this topic?
Smoked tobacco products, such as cigarettes and cigars, are the most common form of tobacco consumed worldwide and most tobacco smokers begin smoking during adolescence.
What is added...
Do α2-Adrenergic Agonists Decrease the Symptoms Associated With Opioid Withdrawal?
Study Selection
This systematic review included randomized controlled clinical trials that compared the administration of an α2-adernergic agonist with other interventions such as placebo or methadone to reduce symptoms of opioid...
Estimating the Cost-Effectiveness of Brief Interventions for Heavy Drinking in Primary Health Care across Europe
Screening and brief interventions for alcohol are an effective public health measure to tackle alcohol-related harm, however relatively few countries across the European Union (EU) have implemented them widely. This may be due...
Non-Medicinal Ritalin Use: Study Enhanced, But Taking a Chance
New research published in the Journal of Neural Transmission highlights a number of potential adverse side-effects from using the stimulant drug Ritalin without a prescription. Ritalin (Methylphenidate) is medically used to treat Attention...
Effective Bank Matrix Bite: Пациентке емес, Қоғамдастыққа ем
Алкогольді емдеу матрицасының соңғы қатары ең алдымен пациент үшін емес, бас бостандығынан айыру орындарында алкогольді емдеу жөніндегі ДДҰ нұсқаулығының мұқабасында бейнеленген негізгі қарама-қайшылыққа тап болып, неғұрлым кең...
Gender-Specific Predictors of At-Risk Adolescents’ Hazardous Alcohol Use
Previous research has found strong associations between adolescents’ hazardous alcohol use and their perception of peer behavior, as well as own spending money and a range of antisocial behaviors. However, there is...
Еуропалық ауыз үстелі: Тізімде кім топшылап тұр?
Еуропалық әлеуметтік сауалнаманың жақында жарияланған нәтижелері бізге Еуропада кімнің ішімдікті көп тұтынатынын көрсетеді.
Алынған қорытындылардың ішінде мыналар бар:
- Неғұрлым әл-ауқатты болсаң, соғұрлым көп ішесің.
- Сіз неғұрлым...
Guidelines for Prescribing Opioids: A Free Online Training Course
A free online training course from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is now available.
The course addresses the CDC recommendations with respect to the prescription of opioids for chronic pain as well as their...
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