Public health
The intersection of substance use with broader public health concerns.
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Жасөспірім кезінде ми әлі де жетілуде. Бұған тек биологиялық қана емес, психоәлеуметтік мінез-құлық дамуы да жатады.
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Бұл сұрақ жақында «Frontiers in Psychology»...
WHO's 2017 Global Tobacco Epidemic Report
The latest report on the global tobacco epidemic from the World Health Organization (WHO) is now available to download.
Among its key findings is that around 4.7 billion people (63% of the world’s population) are now covered by at least...
Equipping Community Pharmacy Workers as Agents for Health Behaviour Change
Objective: To develop a complex intervention for community pharmacy staff to promote uptake of smoking cessation services and to increase quit rates.
Design: Following the Medical Research Council framework, we used a mixed...
Tobacco Cessation Guidelines for High Risk Populations
The book “Tobacco Cessation Guidelines for High Risk Populations” is the main result of the TOB.g partnership, coordinated by the Hellenic Center for Disease Control & Prevention and consisted of four partners and specifically ENSP, CMT...
Preventing Drug-Related Deaths
Drug-related deaths are rising and are a major concern to councils and our health partners. Deaths have increased sharply over the past five years and are now at their highest levels since records began.
Any death related to the misuse...
The Effectiveness of Illegal Drug Interventions
This Health Research Board document reviews evidence on the effectiveness of interventions in the areas of prevention, harm reduction and long-term recovery from addiction to illegal drugs.
It asks which interventions are effective for:
...Compilation of Evidence-Based Family Skills Training Programmes
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s (UNODC) Compilation of Evidence-Based Family Skills Training Programmes offers a treasure trove of information on such initiatives, answering key questions like:
- Who is the target group?
- W...
What Is Known about New Psychoactive Substances?
New psychoactive substances (NPS), sometimes referred to as ‘legal highs’, are new drugs that have received much media attention of late.
A new study published in Public Health Research reviewed existing research into NPS with the view...
Standards of Knowledge for the Science of Prevention
Published by the Society for Prevention Research in 2011, Standards of Knowledge for the Science of Prevention is an important document for those working within substance use prevention.
With the aim of professionalising the field, it...
Education, Leisure and Adolescent Drinking: What's the Link?
A new study published in The International Journal of Drug Policy investigates differences in drinking patterns between Russian adolescents who favour vocational training and those who do not.
Results suggest that the former educational...
Marijuana and Alcohol Use as Predictors of Academic Achievement
We tested the effect of initiating marijuana and alcohol use at varying frequencies on academic indices.
In a sample of 26,475 grade 9-12 students with at least 2 years of linked longitudinal data...
Нашақорлық медицинасын оқыту бойынша жаңа консенсусқа қол жеткiзiлсiн
Drug Misuse and Dependence: UK Guidelines on Clinical Management
There is no more important document for doctors treating problem drug use in the UK than the so-called ‘Orange guidelines’. This major update will substantially inform judgements of what constitutes acceptable medical practice - should...
Is There a Link between Personality and Exposure to Second-Hand Harms from Alcohol Consumption?
‘Second-hand harm’ from alcohol use can include accidents and/or violence, interrupted sleep, destruction of property, relationship and/or financial problems.
While previous research has found that as much as 70% of undergraduate...
Parents Are a Key Influence on Teenage Drinking Habits, Study Finds
A new study that provides details of drinking habits and influential factors among Australian teenagers appears in the latest edition of the academic journal BMC Public Health.
The investigation’s findings notably include:
- Most...
Drug Use in England and Wales
Illegal drug use trends among 16- to 59-year-olds in England and Wales are examined in a new UK Home Office release based on the findings from the 2016 – 2017 Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW).
The survey used a representative...
Fentanyl Isn’t Just Deadly for Drug Users: Police Are Getting Sickened
This article describes how fentanyl is affecting police officers and medical examiners across the US as they try to investigate it. Read more...
Н.Э. Фентанил қайтыс болғандар «Басқа эпидемия сияқты» - Бостон глобусы
Мексика картельдері жаңа Англияға қымбат емес және қуатты синтетикалық фентанил препаратының орасан зор мөлшерін жеткізеді, бұл ауданның есірткіге қарсы күрес жөніндегі жоғарғы лауазымды тұлғасы өзі көрген «басқа эпидемия сияқты» деп...
Oil and Drugs: A Toxic Mix
This article covers drug use and the oil industry in Texas. Thousands of oil field workers are using drugs because of the mix of money and boredom due to the energy boom. Read more...
Alcohol Affects Brain Functional Connectivity and Its Coupling with Behavior: Greater Effects in Male Heavy Drinkers
Acute and chronic alcohol exposure significantly affect behavior but the underlying neurobiological mechanisms are still poorly understood. Here, we used functional connectivity density (FCD) mapping to study alcohol-related...
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