Public health
The intersection of substance use with broader public health concerns.
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Атқарушылық түйіндеме
Саясаткерлерді ақпараттандыруда наркологиялық мекемелерде жиналған деректер көрнекті рөл атқарады. Мұндай деректер көбінесе белгілі бір уақыт аралығында үнемі және дәйекті түрде жиналатын жалғыз ақпаратты білдіреді...
Мәдени аспект: Мәдениеттер бойынша алкогольді тұтынудың бұзылуы туралы эпидемиологиялық деректерді өлшеу және түсіндіру тәртібі
Мысал ретінде Еуропа елдерін пайдалана отырып, алкогольді тұтынудың бұзылуын диагностикалауға мәдени әсерін зерттеу.
Баяндау шолуы.
Ауыз судың ауыр жағдайларына және бақылаудан...
Common Marijuana-Related Cases Encountered in the Emergency Department
In 2000, Colorado voters decriminalized marijuana for medical use; however, because marijuana use remained illegal under federal law, the number of users was low. In 2009, President Obama instructed federal officials not to enforce...
Ұлттық медицина академиясы жаңа арнайы басылым нұсқаулығын шығарды
2017 жылғы 21 қыркүйекке дейін
Апиын эпидемиясын тоқтату бүкіл халық арасында әр жағдайда жұмыс істейтін денсаулық сақтау клиникаларының ақпараттандырылған, белсенді және анықталған майдан басшылығын қоса алғанда, бірнеше өлшем бойынша...
The Risk of Hypertension and Other Chronic Diseases: Comparing Smokeless Tobacco with Smoking
Background: In the past, studies have compared smokeless tobacco and non-tobacco users for the risk of various chronic diseases. The differences in the risk of chronic diseases between smokeless tobacco user and smokers have not been...
Editorial: Evidence-Based Public Health: Why, What and How
In 2009, Brownson et al. (1) noted the growing consensus that evidence-based public health (EBPH) decision-making is influenced by three factors—namely, (1) best available evidence, (2) resources, and (3) population needs...
Syndemic Risk Classes and Substance Use Problems among Adults in High-Risk Urban Areas
Substance use problems tend to co-occur with risk factors that are especially prevalent in urban communities with high rates of poverty. The present study draws on Syndemics Theory to understand profiles of risk and resilience and their...
Метамфетамин инсульт қаупін арттырады
The Brain of Binge Drinkers at Rest
Background: Previous studies have reported anomalous resting brain activity in the electroencephalogram (EEG) of alcoholics, often reflected as increased power in the beta and theta frequency bands. The effects of binge drinking, the most...
Cartilha de Direitos Humanos e Juventude
Na última sexta-feira, lançamos o novo volume da nossa série de Cartilhas de Direitos Humanos, no UNISAL - Lorena. Tive a alegria de organizar a referida Cartilha com a Dra. Maria Aparecida Alkimim. Uma realização do Movimento Lorena pela...
The 2014-2015 Tobacco Use Supplement to the Current Population Survey (TUS-CPS)
Especially due to its large sample size and incorporation into the CPS survey, the TUS provides a unique opportunity for tracking long-term trends in tobacco use, cessation attempts, and tobacco-related policies; evaluation of tobacco...
A Dermatologist's Ammunition in the War Against Smoking: A Photoaging App
This viewpoint reviews the perspectives for dermatology as a specialty to go beyond the substantial impact of smoking on skin disease and leverage the impact of skin changes on a person's self-concept and behavior in the design...
Opioid Crisis Fast Facts
Opioid is abuse prescription pain medication that formulate to replicate of opium.
Type and Context of Alcohol-Related Injury among Patients Presenting to Emergency Departments in a Caribbean Country
There is an association between alcohol consumption and injuries in Latin America and the Caribbean. This cross-sectional study explores the socio-contextual factors of alcohol-related injuries in Trinidad and Tobago. Data on...
Smoking Cessation and Survival in Lung, Upper Aero-Digestive Tract and Bladder Cancer
Background: The aim was to examine the association between smoking cessation and prognosis in smoking-related cancer as it is unclear that cessation reduces mortality.
Methods: In this retrospective cohort study from 1999 to...
A Socioecological Approach to Addressing Tobacco-Related Health Disparities
Tobacco use remains the nation’s leading cause of preventable premature death, including death from cancer, and progress in reducing tobacco use and related disease and death has not been equally distributed across population groups. This...
Synthetic Cathinone and Cannabinoid Designer Drugs Pose a Major Risk for Public Health
As part of an increasing worldwide use of designer drugs, recent use of compounds containing cathinones and synthetic cannabinoids is especially prevalent. Here, we reviewed current literature on the prevalence, epidemiology, bio-behavioral...
Мемлекеттер апиын дағдарысын қалай шешіп жатыр
Drug Matrix Cell A1: Interventions - Ways to Reduce the Harm
Initiates a fortnightly course on the evidence base for harm reduction and treatment in relation to illegal drugs. Comprehensively updated, the cell explores key research on interventions to reduce the harms to the user as a result of their...
Avoidable Emergency Department Visits: A Starting Point
To better characterize and understand the nature of a very conservative definition of ‘avoidable’ emergency department (ED) visits in the United States to provide policy-makers insight into what interventions can...
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