Better Knowledge for Better Care: Changing Substance Use Treatment and Prevention Narratives in Nigeria
International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
Better Knowledge for Better Care
Changing Substance Use...
International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
Better Knowledge for Better Care
Changing Substance Use...
Retention in substance use treatment is one of the strongest predictors of improved outcomes among adolescents, making retention an important goal of treatment. We examined treatment providers’ perspectives on...
The 22nd National Week of Drug Policies will be held by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, in partnership with the...
New patterns of drug trafficking through Guinea Bissau as a result of COVID-19 are documented in this report covering the destabilizing factors of drug financing, trafficking, and political and military corruption.
Smoking and Coronavirus: a fatal combination
Smoking is the leading preventable cause of disease and death not only in the United States but also in Brazil. The current mortality perspective from cigarette use in developed and...
Webinar on good mental health care practices in the context of COVID-19.
The Society for the Promoting of Youth and Masses (SPYM) have released their latest newsletter.
In this edition, you can read about the following successful initiaitves that SPYM have set up in response to the COVID-19 pandemic:
Payment-by-results was the UK government’s favoured commissioning mechanism for improving the performance of substance use treatment services - but according to their own yardstick of...
Following the successful feasibility study in Indonesia on family therapy for youths with drug use disorders, Vietnam is the second country that rolls out a similar study as a way to offer more evidence-based, effective treatment...
This webinar is the first in a series called “Supporting People With Addiction During COVID-19”, hosted by the National Academy of Medicine and the American Society for Addiction Medicine.
Matej Kosir, Director, the Utrip Research and Development Institute (UTRIP) discusses how to successfully advocate for new university programming on drug demand reduction.
En este seminario, el Sr. Morlachetti discutirá el papel de las normas y estandares de derechos humanos en la regulación y restricción de la comercialización de las bebidas alcoholicas. Además, irá discutir las obligaciones de los Estados...
Webinar recording: Pall Rikhardsson, Service Development Manager, ICSRA; Emmet Major, Community Liaison, Western Region Drug and Alcohol Task Force, Ireland; Samantha Menezes: Program Quality and Practice Lead - Local Drug Action Team...
Alcohol is the leading risk factor for death and disability for persons aged 15-49 throughout the world. Recent summaries of the research literature have concluded that exposure to alcohol marketing plays a causal role in whether and how...
The Action Collaborative on Countering the U.S. Opioid Epidemic held a web-based listening session that focused on the perspectives and experiences of clinicians caring for patients with chronic, non-cancer pain.
This is a recording of...
Now that clinics across the country are eligible to apply for CCBHC Expansion grants, this creates an exciting opportunity for organizations to increase access to care. Leaders are looking for ways to ensure that their organizations are...
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