Perceptions about Mental Illness among General Practitioners
General practitioners (GPs) play an important role in the physical care of patients with severe mental illness, so our aim was to analyse the relationships between GPs’ sociodemographic status and worked-related...
Cues Give Clues in Relapse Prevention
More than 85% of people who give up an addictive drug begin using it again within a year. Relapse can occur following exposure to cues that are found in the environment which trigger the memory of their drug-taking experience. These cues...
Cannabis Policy and Legislation in the Nordic Countries
Cannabis is used throughout the Nordic countries, with a particular increase in use among young adults.
Markets and attitudes towards the drug have evolved, therefore there is a need to understand follow societies response to its use.
Effectiveness Bank Additions: Therapy Relationships that Work 3: Managing the Relationship
How therapists can build and manage the recovery-promoting relationship with the client is the focus of this third bulletin recapping 16 reviews for the American Psychological Association, each featuring expert advice based on amalgamations...
Better Prevention of Drug Use, Healthy and Safe Development of Children in Belarus
Prevalence of Cognitive Impairment in Patients with Substance Use Disorder
Introduction and Aims
Cognitive impairments in substance use disorder predict treatment outcome and are assumed to differ between substances. They often go undetected, thus the current study focuses on the prevalence of and...
Effectiveness Bank Analysis: “Game-Changer” Opiate Addiction Medication Proves Effective in US Trial
Medication of the type heralded as a possible “game-changer” by one of the UK’s leading addiction treatment clinicians and researchers proved its worth in a US placebo-controlled trial. Buprenorphine injections with effects lasting a month...
UNODC Partnership with Lions Club to Develop Personal and Social Skills of Adolescents
The UNODC/WHO Second Update Edition of the International Standards on Drug Use Prevention identifies evidence-based education on personal and social skills as one of the effective strategies to prevent drug use and...
The Results of the WHO-UNODC Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facility Survey in Serbia
In collaboration with the Ministry of Health of the Government of Serbia, UNODC supported the implementation of the UNODC/WHO substance use disorder treatment facility survey to map existing treatment capacity. The results of the survey...
Smoking Cessation Intervention for People with Severe Mental Ill Health
People who have experienced serious mental health issues are three times more likely to smoke than the wider population.
This summary, plus infographic, describes the Smoking Cessation Intervention for People with Severe Mental Ill Health...
Drug Use In Nigeria
Cribado de riesgos derivados del consumo de drogas utilizando la herramienta ASSIST (Alcohol, smoking and substances involvement screening test) en pacientes de atención primaria: estudio transversal
El objetivo es estimar la prevalencia de consumos de riesgo de drogas y patrones de consumo en atención primaria.
Estudio multicéntrico descriptivo transversal.
Cinco centros de salud del área Sur de...
Use of Electronic Vapor Products Before, During, and After Pregnancy Among Women with a Recent Live Birth — Oklahoma and Texas, 2015
What is already known about this topic?
Most electronic vapor products (EVPs) contain nicotine, a developmental toxicant, and other harmful additives.
What is added by this report?
In 2015, 7.0% of women with a recent live birth...
Conventional and Genetic Evidence on Alcohol and Vascular Disease Aetiology: A Prospective Study of 500 000 Men and Women in China
Moderate alcohol intake has been associated with reduced cardiovascular risk in many studies, in comparison with abstinence or with heavier drinking. Studies in east Asia can help determine whether these associations...
Blogpost: Let’s Address Four Common Myths About Harm Reduction
This is a blogpost written by Khary Rigg and Steven Proctor:
The US has historically been resistant to supporting harm reduction programs for people who use drugs. While some object to harm reduction approaches on ideological grounds—i.e...
Tobacco Smoking and Mortality in Asia: A Pooled Meta-Analysis
Key Points
Question: How are secular trends of tobacco smoking associated with mortality across countries or regions by birth cohorts in Asia?
Findings: This pooled meta-analysis of 1 002 258 participants in 20 prospective cohort studies...
Effectiveness Bank Additions: Therapy Relationships that Work 2: Elements of the Alliance
Second of four bulletins recapping 16 reviews for the American Psychological Association featuring expert advice and amalgamations of research findings on different aspects of the client-therapist relationship. With the overview of the...
Substance Use among Pregnant Women in Nigeria
This study sought to determine the prevalence, patterns and feasibility of screening for psychoactive substance use among pregnant women in an antenatal clinic in Nigeria. It also aimed to determine the relationship...
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